Wednesday, November 3, 2010

जायका मीठे का

बात उन दिनों की है जनाब,
जब हम होते थे हर जशन के साथी|
खुशिओं के हर डाक के संग,
हमारी महक रौनक फैलाती|

पप्पू जब भी पास हुआ था,
शर्मा जी की हुई तरक्की,
इकबाल मियां ने पहली कार खरीदी,
या हुई थी जब मिश्रा जी की शादी पक्की|

जब गूंजी थी वो पहली किलकारी,
जब आँगन में फैला था हर्षौल्लास,
सबका मुह मीठा कराकर ही,
अपनी खुशियों का ज़ाहिर किया था एहसास|

बात उन दिनों की है जनाब,
जब मामूली दिन को हम उत्सव बनाते थे|
हम चखने चखाने में ही लेते थे आनंद,
किलो पाव की गिनती नहीं गिनाते थे|

जब माँ छुपाती थी हमको बच्चों से,
कभी डब्बों में कभी अलमारी के अन्दर,
सूंघ सूंघ के हर कोने पर,
सफल हो ही जाते थे नन्हे धुरंदर|

हमारे जायके के किस्से तो,
हर घर, हर गली में फैले ज़रूर है|
बच्चों के संग संग बड़ों के भी,
ललचाने के पल मशहूर है|

पर अब न जाने क्यों समय बदल चुका है,
पीढ़ियों का ये चक्र अपनी परिक्रमा चल चुका है|
अब मुह मीठा करने की बात पे ये आदम,
चोकोलेट से तुलना में लग चुका है|

कुछ कद्रदान अब भी है हमारे,
जो diabetes से डर कर नहीं बैठ जाते|
दूध संग जलेबी का स्वाद अब भी लेते है,
उसका प्रयोग सीधे होने के मुहावरे तक सीमित नहीं बनाते|

उत्सव के हर अवसर पर,
चांदी का वर्क हमारा गहना बना|
आज बनाने वाले ने ही ख़ुशी में कर दी मिलावट,
तो अब सवालों का उठना तो लाज़मी बना|

खबरों में हमारी चर्चा,
हमारे स्वाद की प्रशंसा में होती भली|
पर अब तो जनाब खबरें भी,
हमारी मिठास में कड़वाहट घोलती चली|

हर कोने से हम सब पर,
आक्रमण के तीर चले|
पर अब भी हमारे कुछ कद्रदान,
हमारी चाह में कई मील चले|

ये व्यथा नहीं उल्लास का समय है,
फिर बंध रहा है खुशियों का रंग|
बीते समय की मीठी यादें बटोरिये,
और सजाइए थाली में मीठे का संग|

घर पर सब मिलकर बनाएं,
या चखे हलवाई के हाथ का कमाल |
बात उन दिनों या इन दिनों की नहीं है जनाब,
ये तो बस संग मौज मनाने का है सवाल |

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The first curve on the road to El Dorado

“Life becomes a crisp toast if the thoughts are buttered properly”

Thoughts have the pleasure of relishing adventures that we could only wish for. They pack their bags and set on a journey to any corner of the world, enjoy uncanny swashbuckling experiences. They are mavericks in true sense of the word that love to explore things till infinity and beyond. But unfortunately for them, they have a mean step cousin, named concentration which imparts atrocity of dragging them back from their frenzy and incarcerating them in a prison meant to focus only on one thing. But it is actually not as bad as it sounds- the ones who manage to strike a chord between the two end up with the most melodious symphony of life. A college tries to create the same musical rhythm in one’s life so that thoughts and concentration complement each other instead of taking out daggers.

As I sip my coffee early on a Sunday morning looking at nature which tries to flaunt its bloom with all vanity- the birds singing their euphony and sun marching its way up in the sky set out on a mission. The gentle breeze for a change decides not to be a snob and bless everyone by flowing gently. The roads have their few moments of peace before vehicles start their rampage on its ribs. Watching this picturesque setup, I ruminate over my time spent so far at NMIMS doing MBA- the coveted course that I wanted to do since as long as I can remember. Now, that I’m on the hot seat immersed in the process- I’m filled with ambivalence mostly because I hardly get a chance to sit back and cogitate over how the salad days of this journey have been. So let us turn the clocks backwards for a while and rewind to June 2010-

The city of Mumbai-fast, busy, ruthless, cradle of self discovery, passionate, the city that never sleeps are just few of the qualifying words and phrases that adorns this city. At the cost of sounding filmy may I say like any other person, I came with my own aspirations here. When I got down the train, my first reaction was- God! What an avalanche of people. But as they say, love can come from the most unexpected of quarters. Before you get any ideas may I clarify that I didn’t see a curl of hair hiding a beautiful face and then there was the moment of ecstasy. By love, I mean what started as a rude shock became a source of penchant with time.

The first tryst in this new peregrination was the hostel. A new experience altogether for someone who had seen extreme levels of mollycoddling at grandparents place during graduation. At the time of bidding adieu, their concern was as if a camel has been transported from Thar desert to the Arctic Circle. Mom, being the sweetheart that moms are, started with the question about how are the roommates and how is the food. After round 1 of assurance, round 2 of reassurance till round thirty seven of more reassurance, was she satisfied that her poor kid would survive in this tyrannous world.

The scene on the first day of any academic year is a photographer’s delight. The countenance on each face has so many expressions that it would put any actor to shame. One can clearly see the ambivalence of excitement and pride of making it finally to the coveted place, but simultaneously one can see lines on the forehead reflecting the concern of what the journey ahead would hold in store. This concern is of course exacerbated by the induction session where a virtual visual of the journey ahead is run right in front of your eyes and you start thinking- Ahem Ahem, maybe I hurried into my decision. The early rounds of introductions, asking each other for their names and backgrounds and then asking them again because with so many people around you keep forgetting the names. So it may not be an exaggeration if one ends up asking the same person his name 5-6 times (Guys for some strange reason have Chacha Chaudhary’s memory when it comes to remembering girls’ names). One can also see guys trying to create the first mover advantage (marketing concepts can be taught much better outside the classroom) on the fairer sex and of course the girls love all the attention they get.

After the warm welcome, you are introduced to the concept of case study method, which schools of thoughts are still battling over and the breaking of Berlin wall over this still seems like a distant dream. As a student, you are flooded with cases left, right and centre and before you take your guard you find yourself sitting in the arena with 60 more gladiators. Every warrior takes his/her swords out and starts slaughtering everyone else to win “The Great Battle of Class Participation”. Gautam Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela would have fainted at this literal obnoxious slaughtering of their preachings.

The battleground is restricted to the class hours. Apart from that, it is wonderful to find people of different socio cultural backgrounds and experiences coming together and working on different projects. The initial phase for me was certainly a cultural shock when I was made to realize that drinking and smoking has somehow become a normal course of activity in the lives of people. It seems like I have been transported from my archaic world to the new age world in a matter of days. What started as a cultural shock is now alleviating as maybe a way of life. Words such as “smoking networks, delightfully high discussions” have crept their way into the vocabulary and one has to appreciate the fact that you may not do it, but there is no point in secluding yourself from the ones who do.

As coffee is on its way from the cup into my system, the thoughts keep wandering about these few months. There is a sudden rush of thoughts; the pictures coming in front of the eyes with every blink are faster than Rajnikant’s punches to fifty people at the same time. The sun rises further in the sky and I immerse further in my thoughts of flashback.

The first month is completely crazy where you are bombarded with ideas, opinions, viewpoints, the jargons reflective of a college’s tradition (Read: gas). Add to that multiple committees; first you feel that you would choose which one to join, only to realize later that you may not be chosen by any (Eventually one does end up in something). This bombardment of ideas was of course in concatenation with the usual mystery that surrounds accounting, the unimaginable purview of marketing which even fails the phrase that sky is the limit, the micro concepts of economics that even the biologists have declared them as unidentifiable species and the some-foreign-guy-gave-this-model concepts of HR. I think I started off by saying that this is what I wanted to do since as long as I remember. Ahem Ahem, wake up kid.
But to be honest, I won’t be a cynic here playing the devil’s advocate. It is this challenge every day that creates a vivid memory for you to share later. The sleepless nights, the emptying of coffee mugs again and again, racking all your brain nerves to understand and balance the assets and liabilities at least for once, to procrastinate first and then working like maniacs to meet the deadlines of an assignment, sitting with your group with the intent of a project meeting and ending up with tea, vada pav and a sandwich party( of course for some it ends with a certain cult place on the Irla Road- it’s the place that shall not be named but only revered).

One actually gets to feel like the poor pillow which people, for some strange reason, decide to use for a fight and it is being spanked from all quarters. It makes you tough, it makes you help rise to the occasion and if not the above two- it makes you console yourself everytime “It can’t get any worse than this”, only to be proved wrong again the very next day. For me, right from the moment the day starts with the customary music of the lift that every NM student worships even more than the NMIMS Anthem(I hope I’m not getting killed for this), to the time when you just can’t wait to crash into your bed but contain yourself saying that an hour more else the next day might turn catastrophic, each day here is a host to a new chapter of life- it is a tale that I’m sure we would all love to narrate wherever we go in future, it is an anecdote that has exuded spice in bland lifestyles, it is the flavor that would make the dish just about perfect for everyone to relish.

Tom Hanks said in Forest Gump –“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get next.” Well over the past few months, I have agreed to this statement every single day. You just cannot predict what might come and stop you on your free ride down the expressway. Either one takes it in right spirit and gains the best out of things that come their way or spend their time cribbing over how life has been so cruel. The ones who do the former, needless to say, tread on the path of greatness.

The biggest lesson that NMIMS’s salad days have taught me is that I may not be the most knowledgeable guy, I may not be the most creative, I may not be the most gregarious one either but as long as I can be myself writing cheques that my body can cash and as long as I can hold my own, I have created an apt space for myself. The queen of hearts may be the best bet, but not drawing the queens on diamonds would be completely crazy.

A college is not only an institution where I become knowledgeable or more intelligent, it is the place I become wiser. It is the place where I get into self discovery, it is the place where I decide to face the world with an open mind and heart saying- “Here I am, prepared to take you on. Let the game begin.”
There is a silent hope that comes with every wish that the step cousins- thought and concentration do stay together and after these initial days for me in NMIMS, they are finally finding peace with one another and now becoming agreeable to stay in the same stable. I just hope that peace prevails.

The thoughts decide to set out on a new voyage now and I realize that my cup of coffee is finally empty again. Bother to pour in something?

Sunday, July 25, 2010


"If you are going through hell, keep going" said Mr. Churchill. Yeah, easy for you to say, Mr. Churchill. I wonder if you kept the same spirit after you were ousted from power after the Second World War. I always had an issue with two categories of people- people who present an overly optimistic view of the world as if when you'd step out of your door,people would shower flowers on you sans the thorns, you open your mouth and the world would sit back and listen to the pearls of wisdom you've to offer and most importantly the fact that there are so many around you, who can never have enough of you irrespective of the way you are. Balderdash !!!

now comes the second category- the attention seeking, the melodramatic and full of theatrics people who keep cribbing about the fact that life has been so mean to them and how at every step they have only found debacle to grasp them tightly and smooch them so hard that they lose the will to stand up one more time like a gladiator and fight.

If you belong to either of the categories, I'd simply say- Wake up!! You've seen nothing. If anyone ever decides to live my life for a day would realize how condescending the world can be, how mean and brutal people are and how it feels to bear those disgusted looks of everyone at every moment of one's life. I'm the poor paunch, the belittled belly and the tortured tummy. Don't start thinking of more names now as if the three given already aren't demeaning enough. Now you listen to my story(Flaaaaaaaaasssssssssshhhhhhhhhhbbbbaaaaaackkkkkkk)

My inception is always an issue of high contention and constant altercation. I don't even know who exactly led to my birth- sometimes I'm attributed to brazen guzzling, sometimes to hereditary problems, sometimes to the lack of exercise and the self proclaimed intellectuals, for the lack of a better thing to do in life, use all their theories to obfuscate it further by mixing the theories.For them their theories might lead to laurels and patents, but they don't realize the excruciation they impart is inexcusably blatant. Imagine the jinx of one's life whose birth has been blemished by hypothetical theories. Can it get any worse? Of course it can- read on.

(Back to present day)
I always am the subject of prying eyes wherever I go. Its like a tradition, an unsaid ritual which makes the person I reside in highly embarrassed and he'd inflict tyrannous torture to obliterate me. I don't know if its a sadist pleasure of the human species that is satisfied with this, but Ab-crunchers??? I can't even imagine doing that to my step cousins- six pac or the newly born eight pac and size zero. Imagine someone sets you steady and then folds and unfolds you constantly until you get all dizzy, is it a sane treatment to anyone??? Talk of human rights!!!! What about ours??

Since the time these step cousins came up, life has become nothing short of HELL for me. Constant peer pressure, too high expectations to perform, constant evaluations and regular visits to my crematorium- the slimming centres, gym and health clubs is what my life has become a victim of. Even my social circle is diminishing at a staggering rate, and may reach extinction soon. Before I finish this autobiographical account, few of my distant relatives would have lost a couple of inches of their life. Please save us- only 14", 11" left.

Its not that life has always been that cruel on us- there were times when we were attributed to prosperity and people who gave us abodes were considered to belong to be coming from booming families. There are still a few proponents of this school of thought, and they are the ones who belong to a coterie of people with great clout, but the betrayal of one of the vanguards of this revolution cost us big time and our revolution started falling like a pack of cards. Adnan Sami down down !!!!

It is really surprising to see how people can be so nonchalant and disinterested in the plight of the lives that reside in me. How can they simply turn away their faces from this ghastly act of blotting out my tenants- carbs, fats and lots of sugars without even a proper rehabilitation program. That's a clear case of homicide especially considering the fact that the one who does it celebrates it as one of life's biggest achievements. I'm falling short of adjectives for such gory psyche of people, and they are the ones who talk of egalitarianism, CSR and what not. Height of hypocrisy!!

I've a humble request to all of you- even we've feelings, so next time you visit a gym please remember you are not only burning carbs and fats, you are burning out emotions and bringing an end to a civilization. This entire fad of size zero, six pacs, metro sexuality is preposterous and just a gimmick. You must take cue from the school of thought that we indeed are an indicator of prosperity. I want you all to introspect and confess to yourself- wasn't it pleasure of sumptuous food, wonderful laziness during early mornings that gave birth to us. We gave so much happiness to you even before we were born, please don't terminate us from the face of the world.

Oh God, I've to go. My boss is going for a gym session, so I may never come back again. Just remember my words- Make Life FULLfilling.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Unique 'eunuchs'

Oh God, not again !! Why this restlessness, anxiety with a motley of evasion, unwanted tension whenever an eunuch comes across- this time in a local train in Mumbai.

Flashback- During every journey to Udaipur in train across Gujarat have I encountered an eunuch coming up asking for money. They are boisterous, loud, dressed in bright gaudy sarees animatedly clapping as though in a clamour procession. They come, make sure that no stone is left unturned to embarrass you- they'd pull your cheeks ,whistle, stroke your hair and make sure you give some breathing space to your pocket else the ignominy could get worse.

But I wonder why do we tend to get helpless when it comes to dealing with them? One shoos away beggars as though they don't exist, one feels compassion towards kids who beg, one feels sorry for the incapacitated who're forced to resort to ask for money to make both ends meet. But why does a eunuch not evoke any such feeling? Why are disgust, grimace, embarrassment, flummox the adjectives which come to my mind on any encounter with them? Am I being too cynical ? One may say so but every experience just reiterates this feeling.

Flipping pages of our history, its clearly elucidated that eunuchs were very important for the kings. They were given the responsibility of the security of the queen and her female friends. On our visit to Golconda fort, I remember the guide clearly telling that men were castrated to make them suitable for this job so that any kind of sexual advances towards the female presence in the palace can be put out of contention. So be it castrated men or transgenders, eunuchs had a lot to offer to the society. But why did it change with time? Their importance was no longer felt and they had to resort to begging, prostitution or dancing. The 21st century eunuch is hardly seen as an active member of the society. They are treated no better than beggars and somehow they haven't tried too hard to shed this image either. They crash on weddings, child births and other auspicious family occasions and demand for money. It is a highly held belief that they've occult powers and their blessings and curse both have tremendous power. So you may call it people succumbing to these beliefs or simply trying to evade the scene that they tend to create, they offer money and bid them good riddance.

Now a eunuch can either be a transgender or a castrated man. This avenue of quick money has made many men perfectly normal but short of money to dress like a eunuch and charge. They beg on traffic signals, trains or gate crash functions to earn this money. Its not the prerogative of eunuchs to beg but somehow the entry of normal men into this business has exacerbated the scenario. In a country where the voting rights to eunuchs was bestowed as late as 1994 and which claims to be the only country where the term still holds pertinence( rest all have switched over to LGBT or castrated men), we ought to do better to provide them an alternative.Its not asking for too much, is it?

Shabnam Mausi led the bandwagon when she became the first eunuch to be elected into a public office. She became an MLA in one of the constituencies in Madhya Pradesh. She tried to work on a lot of grounds; right from the emancipation of women to creating awareness about transgenders and HIV. But even she couldn't mobilize the issue of bringing human right laws for eunuchs in our country. They are still looked down upon as the third gender- "cursed for their sins of the past life" in the words of our antediluvian proponents of the society. They are living a deteriorated life both socially and economically and have to create a parallel world of their own. Maybe this is the reason why they behave the way they do. Maybe this is the reason why they choose to stick to begging and create ignominious situation for people as that may pacify the schadenfreude in them who wants to take the vengeance for this sorry life. One million is a huge number and can be a useful resource if proper programs are implemented. Why can't they have normal day jobs, normal work schedules, normal shopping experiences, normal outings without prying eyes??

SRK once said in an interview his dream role would be to play a eunuch on celluloid. Shabnam Mausi(movie) and Welcome to Sajjanpur did try to talk about transgender rights. Late Nirmal Pandey one an award for the best actress( Yes !!! actress) for his performance in Daayra. Yet cinema, considered a powerful medium, has shied away often to come out in open to support this cause. I've seen no govt. coming out with an agenda on this issue and I've slim hopes in the future as well. But its high time they stand on their feet as well without being myopic just because of the quick buck.

They can no more be reactive and expect things to change, they've to be proactive and earn their respect. I may have just touched the tip of the iceberg, but they have to make sure that they no more remain murky waters.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Let's Talk

The Setup- An elliptical table conference. Was supposed to be round table, petty issues stretched too much made it this way. The office is the Home Ministry.

People- Home Minister, Chief Ministers, Naxal Leader.

Agenda- You have to be kidding me.

The Home Minister tried to make everyone feel at home. The sugarless biscuits made everyone feel otherwise. A late probe by the CBI revealed it was a mix of the Austerity Drive and high sugar price. Opposition Chief Ministers clamored taking out the blank protest banners hidden under their kurtas and wrote this agenda on it, UPA CM's blamed the EU and Australia for racial discrimination in exports of sugar, peon took a shot at the Ration shop retailer, others simply blamed fate for making them diabetic.

Home Secretary :- Ladies and Gentlemen, lets put the meeting to order (" To Disorder" is what he thinks in mind). Words like "Telangana, Vidarbha, Gorkhaland, bad tea, cobwebs in the room, my mistress better than yours" should be left to the informal post lunch forum. Sattar(70) Minute, sattar min hai tumhare paas. Shayad yeh.. tumhare zindagi ke sab se… khaas sattar minute.

( Jharkhand, Chattisgarh CM's couldn't hide the giggles- stare from the Home Minister)

Home Minister(referred to as Homey from now on):- So should we start with the Naxalite leader or would the CM's like to put a point first?

Andhra, Orissa, Jharkhand, MP, Chattisgarh jump into it simultaneously and the sound is something like this- My Andhra Pradesh/ screwed up Jharkhand/vandalized Chattisgarh / MP is responsible/ for Orissa's labour crisis.

Home Minister loses it. He stands up with grit and a lot of aggressive intent and says in his South Indian accent- Mujhe states ki naam na sunayie dethe hai, na dhikaie dete hai. Sirf ek mulk-ka-naam sunayie detha hai, I-N-D-I-A

( Gujarat joins the giggles with Chattisgarh and Jharkhand)

The NAXALITE leader was wondering why did his men have to die and kill when there were so many volunteers, he still stood up and said) - Mao Zedong once said.....(he was interrupted)

TN CM woke up, decided maybe there were media cameras around, so he ought to say something, says plight of Tamilians miserable in Sri Lanka.

Homey- Issue in next meeting

Maharashtra- Thackerays getting out of hand.

Homey- Next meeting.

Rajasthan- Gujjars threaten again.

Homey- Next meeting

Naxal Leader- Mao Zedong said....

Homey- Next meeting.

Karnataka- Sri Ram Sena has to be dealt with for beating women.

Homey- Next meeting.

Goa- More foreigners raped.

Homey:- next meeting.

Naxal Leader- Mao Zedong said....

Homey- Next meeting.

(West bengal and Kerala CM's whisper the wisdom to the Naxal leader's ears- " Try quoting Marx - worked for us always"!!!!

Naxal Leader- Kal Marx said....

Homey- Can't you think something of your own, its been 40 years since your fight started. You still quote the same old shit. Seems like a warm place with no memory.

Kerala and WB CM's giggle, whisper to the Naxal leader again- Can't believe you bought that. Noone ever listens to Communists in this country.

Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Sikkim go on plucking the rose petals kept on the table and keep mumbling- " We are in India, We are in China- We are in India, we are in China- We are in India, we are in China".

Homey- Can't we come to the agenda now?

Karnataka rises and says- Isn't it time for lunch now?

Home Secretary jumps into this mayhem and says- Please everyone focus on the agenda here. The country has their eyes set on us.

Everyone in chorus- Is it? Damn you planted cameras here??? How much did NDTV/Times Now/ CNN IBN/Doordarshan bribe you??? ( Like you believe the last one has enough to bribe)

Home Secy- No sir , I didn't mean literally.

UP - yeah... we hate Literature. We want no computers, we want no English. Pass on our budget and we shall leave. We've some statues to build you know.

The chaos continues. Homey decides to bring in some discipline. Rises up and says our police force is not competent enough to fight invasion.

J & K- Tell me that. I asked one of the personnel to shoo away the cat that stealthily came into my bedroom and he couldn't even do it. We need better security.

WB- We need reforms.

Uttarakhand- We need loan waiver.

Assam- We want higher NREGA share.

Gujarat- I want some more cookies please. My plate has been empty for long.

Homey loses all hope. All he could say is - Next Meeting !!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

U, Me Aur Cellphone

Sitting in the bus I was looking around if I have any interesting companion as a co-traveller so that a filmy story's seeds may be laid. Lady Luck, who seems to be relishing playing the role of agony aunt on this front, decided the jinx should continue. So I rested back on the seat waiting for the "cleaner/driver/owner/whatever" he was guy to switch on a movie. In the meantime, the decibel levels took off from the launch pad all set to defy the law of physics that light travels faster than sound- it was the chattering of the fellow passengers. The competitiveness appeared as if they have appeard for a reality show- Clamour your way to glamour !!!

So my peace was deliberately trampled upon by these messengers of Satan who found it a defiance of morality to see someone at peace. I decided to scare them with a stare,but their appearence made me decide against it. The next plan of action was to join the bandwagon (ego boss even I wanted my shot to fame to win this nonexistent reality show). So the eyes wandered around to find if there was a soul willing to listen to my wisdom. But noone seemed interested. Vanity had worked hard to climb the stairs of a skyscraper and now it was thrown down from the terrace without slightest of compassion. Then I noticed where the root of the problem was- Vanity found a parachute, honour was resurrected, faith on humanity and its intelligence was restored. What kept the shout wasn't the clout of the fellow companions, they were all instead busy with themselves. The power lay in their hands- the duniya was literally in their mutthi- it was their cellphone.

Sehwag's mother succeeded in motivating him to win a match for the country using the cellphone, Rehman created a new age anthem for the mobiles. The world is not enough for the growing influence of cellphones. Coming back to the crime spot (where there was an attempt to kill my vanity), seeing almost everyone busy with their phones made me draw a mental blank page divided by an imaginary line to illustrate- Before and After. Let me show it to you-

(This is a hypothetical conversation. Any resemblance is purely coincidental)


X:-Hello, My name is X. .
Y(wondering if X's parents didn't love him to keep such a name) .
- Hi there, I'm Y.. I'm an engineer/actor/lawyer/doctor/loser by profession.
What do you do?
X( making sure that he still has the upper hand):- I'm studying life!!!! .
Y thinks with such a name, was X really left with an option??
And the conversation takes off from there.

X(on his phone) :- Hello, Haa this is X here. Can u listen to me?
Y(on her own phone):- Sweetheart I'm sick of listening to you all my life
X:- But I thought we had a deal
Y:- Either that bitch would live or me.
X:- This is extortion.
Y:- I call it emotion
( and the sound mixing continues much to the amusement and fun of onlookers, if there are any)

"Addiction is fatal, but so was monotony, right? So why not get addicted and die". The rod of power is in hands now (no pun intended). Cellphones have spread their empire from the Riches to the wretches. I wonder how this revolution has changed us so much that we just can't resist the temptation to keep our hands busy ( no pun again). Personal wishes have been replaced by texts, grammar has gone for a toss, people don't care to befriend co-passengers ( go back to the crime spot) and we've found a way to keep ourselves busy. This luxury of the past has become an amenity to stay connected. When I was a kid, parents were cautious even to hand me over a glass plate with the fear that I may break it, now parents don't mind handing over expensive cellphones. Change is sweet and delicious only if you are part of the effect cycle and not the necessity one.

I'm a victim myself of this addiction and I believe cellphones would stay- for geeks as a fascinating technology, for majority of people as a means to stay connected, for cynics as only commercial business and for those who don't know which bracket they belong to- for them cellphones would be a mode of amusing experiences.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

आदि से अंत तक

एक शब्द चल पड़ा है, उसी का ये प्रवाह है,
मिलता है उसे अनुरूप संग, यही रस का प्रभाव है|
अर्थ हो, अनर्थ हो, रहे ना कोई आसरा,
ये साज़ का सम्बन्ध है, ये मन का ही लगाव है|

हर चिंगारी का अंत निश्चित है,
अगर संग वायु का अभाव है|
पर अपने किनारे तक बढ़ते रहना ही,
सत्यकाम की दृढ़ता से परिपूर्ण नाव है|

शाश्वत नहीं होता है कुछ भी,
परिवर्तन सृष्टि का स्वाभाव है|
योद्धा रण से नहीं मन से है,
यही तो अविस्म्रणीय वेदों का सुझाव है|

वो सोच स्तम्भ बन सके नहीं,
जिसपे परिस्थितियों का दबाव है|
परिणाम का परिमाण करना,
धैर्यवान में जलती लौ की चाह है|

प्रतिस्पर्धा में प्रधान केवल,
विजय का ही भाव है|
जीत का ही हर तरफ वर्चस्व है,
हार तो सिर्फ एक चुभता हुआ घाव है|

कर्म के पथ पे तो,
बरसता ही पथराव है|
फिर भी अडिग चलने की चेष्ठा करना,
ये एक वीर का चुनाव है|

अमृत मंथन की लालसा में,
खोया सदियों का उन्माद है|
इसमें उलझे रहने से बेहतर तो,
विष पीने में ही प्रह्लाद है|

शब्दों की इस रचना की शक्ति का,
किसी को नहीं आभास है|
क्रांति नहीं पर सोच जीवित रहे,
बस इसी का ये छोटा सा प्रयास है|