"Mom please purchase the cricket bat and I'll study properly and clean the room all week"
"Comeon u know that I share everything with you because you're my friend"
"Sweetheart it appears to me that you never pay attention to what I say"
"You're an adolescent, it doesnt mean that you know everything, you've to listen what the elders say"
" I've faced so many difficulties in life, God never listened to my prayers"
" The biggest failure of my life is that noone pays heed to what i say even in my own house"
Now they are different scenes in the play of a person's life, different acts that unfold one after the other but there is a nexus in these phases- aspiration for a listener to attend as to what we've to say. Every individual has a certain way of thinking and for him/her that thought process is distinctive from all the fellow beings, which automatically gives him/her the anxiety to share it with others. We're social beings and the social fabric has become so labyrinthine that the intermingling and interdependence has increased viz a viz the last generation. During their stint with society, the families used to be so big that it was a mini society in itself. People had way too many people around at home only to bother about others. But with migration and exposure to a wider world, society gained a more structured form and found its relevance. People found people they could relate to and talk to about what they feel, how they feel and why do they feel what they feel. It is part of the human nature that he is himself incapable of keeping everything within. Call it outsider's perspective, call it an open mind prepared for new ideas or call it a simple unburdening of thoughts, we've always looked forward for someone to share our plight with.
But as the need for an aggressive listener became stronger, so did the yardstick for him. This complaint kept exacerbating that there is noone who's actually willing to listen to all that we've to offer and say. There is a common chord that intersects which keeps saying "Nobody's listening". So as a kid my demand for a cricket bat or an extra chocolate is never thought of being catered to and my plea is never heard which makes me wonder why dont parents listen to me, after all I'm not a kid( which I eventually am at that stage).

Our voyage in the outside world begins and initially its the birds of the same feathers that flock together. We develop a rapport with like minded kids( criterion may be fav actors, fav cricketer or it may simply be the food in his/her lunchbox. We look out for refuge there and we set out with our long list of complaints about how the world is so mean to kids( Now it is a common syndrome- we conveniently choose the situations where we shrug away the idea of being a kid and the situations where the idea of being a kid comes as the only resort to evade a spanking, so we determine it as per our convenience as to whether we are little kids or not).
Even when we grow up, for many of us friends are the listeners we seek out for instead of parents. Be it the ideas that the young mind is bubbling with, the I-know-what-it takes-to-succeed thinking or the so called personal problems- ranging from post puberty hormonal overtime work or a spat with a girlfriend to the failure of finding a purpose in life , we're always on the lookout of someone to talk to. But the quench is never really satisfied maybe because almost everyone whom we want to talk to, is undergoing the same phase and wants to talk about his/her problems as well.So again the feeling reiterates that why isnt there anyone who's willing to listen to what I've to say.
A different scenario but suffering from the same syndrome is the relationship of a man and a woman( I restrict it to lovers and married couples here). They are fundamentally so different in everything that after the hunky dory phase of the relationship is passe, the time comes of building a sphere of compatibility, a domain of adjustments so to say. One of the prime facets of this is to listen to the partner.

Now men by default aren't great listeners and women have a knack of sharing what comes to their minds. Now this chasm can really deepen if not catered to quickly with a firm bridge to mellow down the temperaments. The failure to do so is what we witness in the form of common marriage counselling ,seven year itch or moving out of the relationship. There is a common complaint amongst the fairer sex that Men just dont listen and that puts a roadblock in the process of ameliorating compatibility. To put it in a nutshell, not finding a listener certainly spells doom's day even here.
It is found to be a common phenomena in social circles for people to go gaga about their kids. How often have we not witnessed in parties that men and women keep lionizing the laurels of their wards and the listeners just dont seem interested because they've a story to tell about their own child. So things like "Mere bete ka IIT mein admission hua" " meri beti ko job mein raise mila" or "humne toh keh diya ki US mein kuch saal hi rehna" are met with cold and indifferent reception.

The listener stays there out of courtesy, but the bodylanguage and eyes wandering elsewhere clearly resonte the please-complete-your-story-i've-one-of-mine-to-narrate-as-well message. So it becomes agonizing for parents as for them the kids at home dont listen to them out of pure resistance of adolescence, and in the social circle noone actually cares as to whether your ward has been there and done that.
A friend of mine was given this assignment to interview a group of corporate hochos to talk about their journey. What came as a rude shock to her and to me as well when she narrated the experience was people around their 40's pouring their hearts out in front of her(a student) describing the pages of their personal lives. Now what exactly must have led them to do it? They surely didnt expect a 21 year old to give them a solution to the crisis in their lives. Was it simply the solace of telling everything out to a complete stranger who wouldn't be judgemental or was it simply an irresistible outburst of what we perceive as mid life crisis?The outburst may be shocking but brings us back to the fundamental hypothesis- people want someone to listen to them.
But why do they need anyone else to do it? Are they too scared to talk to themselves( introspect)? Do they know that they may be in for a rude honest answer if the conversation is carried with oneself? Is it simply nothing but the fact that they are looking out for sympathy and no judgement because nothing else explains spilling the beans of your personal life to strangers. We do see people around us who love to talk and who if neglected or ignored for a while during a group meetup become restless and their bodylanguage tends to go completely haywire. They just cant have others not listening to them. Why is that exactly? Why so much anxiety to be heard? Maybe its just an avenue to bring something out of the system completely.

Maybe that explains aggressive listeners become friends fast with people. People tend to repel the ones who like to talk more about themselves in the first meet and prefer those who give the oppotunity for him to talk.
Leave aside humans, we constantly crib that even the Almighty doesnt listen to us and conveniently neglects what we really want. This quest for a listener is ubiquitous and no matter how much we deny it, we want it. Call it a syndrome, call it insecurity or call it a way of life, the bottom line is we all crave for listeners and love it even more when they echo what we say. Maybe we are not really looking for a mirror but just a karaoke!!! So the knocking on the doors is going to continue....Anybody there?
you have rightly pointed out that people always want some 1 who should sit and nod with them..some 1 who just approves what is being said...
though at times i feel it is good that every one does not hear what we say...
ignorance is bliss and this ability of turning a deaf ear is what allows civilization and humanity to progress...
it is rather intrinsic this quality... for we never really question just because questioning comes from listening to the inner voice...
i disagree over the fact that men are not better listeners...men communicate more through words rather than signals which is not the case with women..
another write up which shows the in depth analysis that brilliant mind of urs does when watching everyday normal stuff...
another great article penned down by the soon to become management guru...
excellent writeup sirjee..
everything u wrote ws something or the other that we daily come across..
its really amazing to see someone observing so much about something which everyone else, either due to negligence or just because of their languorousness, tend to oversee.. that is what makes u stand apart from others..
everyone is all the time looking out for someone to speak to.. sometimes the search is for a critic.. sometimes for an agony aunt..sometimes for someone who can disabuse.. sometimes for someone who can depressurize.. sometimes for someone who can sympathize... sometimes for someone who can improvise.. sometimes for someone who just listens n forgets.. and sometimes for someone who can just spread the word(gossssssssssip...:P)...
the need for a listener is everlasting..
the more the people are communicating the more are they finding listeners.. amidst this rat race of finding a true listener ppl neglect their inner self whom they can always talk to.. the soul inside us is the best judge(next is "PAA") for it knows all the environmental variables to the atmost accuracy.. the over dependency on listeners leads people to underestimate there inner selves..
for some this dependency curbs down their own creativity.. for some the dependency drives the zeal to improvise before presenting..
so i guess listeners are also no different from our very own great old shiny round hard thing that pinches our butt through the pocket- the two faced coin.. they hv good effects n sometimes bad too..
i feel the time is near when the classifieds in the newspaper start to read "LISTENERS WANTED(preferably not deaf :D)"... m sure i'll make some good money when these start popping..;)
gr8 stuff man.. keep writing...:)
and ya.. whenever in need of a listener.. remember.. m just a phone call(uggh.. or ur usual missed call) away..:)
n.. am i the only one to have parents who tell every other bad thing about me to others???
The great American Novelist Earnest Hemingway once said “I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.”
Whether this was a way to canvass his Nobel Prize in Literature in the year 1954, or the solemn endeavor of a prude, it is hard to contemplate, but instead of reviling his work, what we can learn is what the laureate tried to delineate through his writing. He tried to listen and learnt a great deal out of something so facile.
The Maverick goes out of his (and de facto, the whole Male part of the human race) league by saying that Men are "good" listeners. I disaccord completely. There may be exceptions (well, there are always exceptions like when we compare ourselves to an Abdul Kalam or an Elvis Presley...but how many of us become one of them? - they're one in a million!) but I really think that proclaiming that we are good listeners is like adding a pinch of egotistic demeanor into the large cauldron of human mawkishness. Besides, even a bribe wouldn't make the Maverick lend his ear to the person who went for tuition for all his subjects or the pain-in-the-ass from Mumbai! :P (If you say you’re a good listener, there shouldn't be any exceptions there! - after all they're human as well!)
The facts of the post have been dealt with aplomb. From the exposition of the never-ending encomium of his/her progeny of a parent to the emotional, yet tangible, rambling away of a 40-year old, every paragraph portrays the prowess of a person who can interpret small things in life and bring out the true meaning of a small action, which others render banal.
A wonderful composition, my friend! I would love to read similar works filled with the alacrity and compassion to tell us, the people of this world, how lucky, yet indigent, we really are.
people never realise why do we have one mouth and two ears! we constantly are in need of listeners and the quest to tell/discuss never really ends throughout our lives.. awesome piece of work! the way you understand, analyse issues and then pen them down is outstanding!!
kehne ki khwahish har koi rakhta hai magar,
waqt milta nahi kuch sunne ke vaaste..
The endearing cheek of a cherubic face, all of 5yrs, broadcasted an unstoppable flow of salty waters amidst the potpourri of faces with smiles that seemed permanently starched. After an investigation carried out to crack the mystery behind d sorrow, the accused ,looking very pretty in pink and of the same age as the victim, was unmasked. She was found guilty of ignoring the crucial information and updates about Barbie and Ken that the former had to share. A treaty was signed and the white flag was waved. An audience was found in one and the speaker was delighted. A few hours later something happened rather something was made to happen which left an impression on my mind. The victim ,no longer so, strutted around along with her mother finding an audience in hundreds. A tantrum for an exotic dress had done the trick.Now she didn’t have to cry for the gal in pink to cater to her wedding plans for Barbie. She was being ‘heard’ because she was being ‘seen/noticed’.
When we are born ,the first thing we are supposed to do is cry.Cry our lungs out.Cry so that we are heard loud and clear and given a thumbs up by the doc for our chances of living beyond the hospital room. When we die, the epitaphs read our duration on this earth.We still want to be heard even after our death.I just didn’t vanish from the face of the earth.I was there for some decades.You better not forget that and I hope your are listening!!
If this world is a stage, I’m sure none of us would want to be a tree .Tree which is laden with fruits but still is just a background display with no dialogues. Everyone wishes to be Old Mcdonald (the only protagonist) and rest to be the farm animals.
I do not detest the desire to be heard in people. A joke shared, the validity of an information crucified by a debate, a sorrow understood ,a speculation steamed and served,an outcry for justice,a plea to condone, a nonsense stretched , a memory revisited, a talent appreciated, an advice consumed/ignored, a proposal heard, a deal fixed ,a success celebrated, a failure criticized, a bark thanking for the biscuit etc etc. We all need to be noticed to be heard. The fact that someone is listening to what you have to say does give a sense of satisfaction and justification that we are not the living dead yet.The topics of conversation changes with different people. As we grow, we become aware of to whom and what we need to say in order to be heard. Your dentist is paid to listen to your toothaches and not about the tiff you had with your boyfriend.As a result we sub consciously choose the information to be shared just to find an honest sounding board in the opposite.
The newspaper reads “ former Tiger mistress predicts bright future with him”.Why does she need to be a clairvoyant suddenly?? She has already done the damage with the affair confessions ..so why this new update? Well, it is simple. She was finally being heard,..heard by millions.She succeeds.An ardent admirer threatens to hang himself if Sonia.Gandhi refuses the PM post. He is heard too…heard for his ‘loyalty’. A politician goes on a hunger strike to highlight his demand. Heard again…heard for his ‘sacrifice’. A superstar refuses to grace an occasion when denied the front row seats. He is heard…heard because he is a ‘brand’..A 19 yr old molestation case ends with a stripping off of a medal and a smirking accused flaunting in front of the cameras.19 yrs of talk and still not heard here.The devastating effects of a heinous crime cleans the ear wax of the authority. Sometimes you need to scream to be heard or sit really high up.
Sometimes indecisiveness, insecurity and fogged vision about the future may lead us to people for an advice. It is perfectly fine but choose your audience. A stranger maybe of some momentary help because his advice will be somewhat unbiased but won’t it be better if you share it with someone who at least knows you better?? Most people just hear us out and not listen. Share but share wisely. There is a luxury in self-reproach. When we blame ourselves, we feel that no one else has a right to blame us. It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution. We tend to confuse attention with a false sense of care. To be seen is not necessarily be heard. A painting can be just stared at or the story behind it can be discussed. Borrow different hues but paint your work alone and make sure you stroke a magnificient story.
I have written after a really long time. After 2 months to be precise. I think my response to your write up should be a huge compliment for you :P Jokes apart, the variety of topics and thoughts you indulge is anything but commonplace. Keep talking via your blog and I’ll try to be all ears :P
Its a true thing..people always want someone who would listen to them..
wen someone wants to tell a story to u. it usually is tht they want an opinion.. they want a word that watevr they r going thru is normal or not..i hav come across this a lot of times..
I,being a listner to many such people..did experience that girls have a lot to talk about whats goin on with them in detail..starting from '' wen i woke up that morning..'' stuff..!!not only the fairer sex.. but men too need a loyal listner..be it as a friend or a partner.. who ever listens to them, who ever suggests them something related to their problem..but men dont usually share unless n until they trust some1 who wont leak their feelings..every guy is same, but there is a ''ijjat ka sawaal '' they are afraid ,if other guys come to know about this.. unlike girls.. who distribute their feelings..'' free free free ''..!!
one interesting thing tht you pointed out.. why no one listens to inner voice, why are people afraid of talking to themselves..?? why are people afraid of getting a solution from the person who knows them much better than anyone else.. which is him/her self..!!
for everyone.. try and ask yourself.. you will get answers to every problem..!!
Every body has its own reasons for expelling out their own thoughts.some want praise,some want solutions,some for needs and many more reasons.It is in harmony if it has some purpose attached to it and have some limit.But people who are in constant need of listeners,these people have surely lost there ability to control themselves.You can't blame them either,its just the growing trend that has come into the picture.
sorry for huge delay ,Sir
Nice write up...
Great observation!!!
Its true that everybody wants to be listened by someone close to him/her. And it mainly happens when u r confused or afraid of something should not go wrong, so to get a fair response u want a listener, whether it is positive or negative for you. But in most of the cases people just want to defend themselves. Communication is only thing that solves many problems but it should be in limit and if it exceeds the limit it acts reversely (these kinds of people are ignored by us saying”iska to roj ka yahi rona hai”).
And I think those who can control themselves are good listeners. Most of the times, people want listeners whom they can trust. Whoever, a guy or a girl share their feelings only when he/she has trust on his/her partner or friend.
And one thing is ….people don’t try to ask themselves.. afraid of getting negative response but they don’t understand its ur inner voice that solves many problems when u r alone & helpless. Only diary-writers can understand this thing better coz many problems r created by their own, no one other is responsible for it & u can solve it urself.
The only solution to get rid of this situation of ‘not being listened by anyone’ is u should talk to urself or even better start writing diary m not saying daily but when something interesting has happened wid u whether it is good or bad & when u r confused & unable to find any way out.. just open it and read.. and its like miracle ur problem is solved. U wont feel any need of a listener.
Sorry for the delay…
So in a sarcastic way I am made to believe that air, water and food do not complete the list of essentials on a human beings existence list. What is also another indispensible is the need to be heard, to be understood from one's own view point. A verbal affaire d'honneur between two or more persons often spills over to a large group when each one justifies himself to his friends and dear ones. No matter how wrong they themselves may be, but they have an unequivocal right to gain sympathy. So a soldier fights for his country, dies for his country, but so also does his enemy. Both doing their duty. Toh kya, U may say !! But understand, this is such a fundamental quality ingrained in human beings that it goes beyond gaining mild sympathy. Rather it goes far beyond, and mostly into territories usually termed as Ego. As rightly pointed in this assay of human psychology, people go bragging to unheard of extents to create inflated egos . Mums crowing about their sons latest literary or academic achievement is such a nuisance that people dread to face such a person infamous for his gasconade. And insha allla agar nawab ne kuch extra curricullar activities mein achieve kiya ho toh poocho hi mat, it deserves to be the talk of the town, nothing less. Doctors need to find remedies for aching jaws tired of eulogising their extraordinary children.
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