The chartbuster JLo song of the same title is certainly an oxymoron. Now i'm neither a love guru or an economist to be pedantic about either of the concepts - love and cost. And neither have i been there or done that to share a page out of my love life. But an apt functionality of my senses is a potent enough paraphernalia for me to have an opinion on this issue; lest not judgemental.
Love is one of the most overused yet one of the least understood concepts we come across. It makes an interesting discussion amongst all circles: age, sex, intelligence - no holds bar. Questions like what,why, how are often discussed; of course with the added punch of if's, but's, whether's, hence's and so's. People love to debate on it and since its not rocket science ( tho maybe a deeper quagmire), everyone has an opinion about it.
Now, does love really not cost a thing???
TAKE 1- Long lost are the days when a guy used to woo his lady by showing her the mirage of a dream castle and an assurance to bring down stars from the sky(cant believe the lady used to fall for it, but it didnt cost the guy anything). THey used to sit in some secluded corner in the soothing shade of a tree evading the scorching sun;with hawkers intermittently perturbing them with their unique marketing skills of selling chana Chor garam or ice candy (Poor guy has to buy one, maybe not out of concern for the lady;but to shoo away this watchdog).
By the way, we still have these hangout spots where couples coochy coo and the witnesses of their oozing affection frown. These lovers provide the best source of entertainment to the pedestrian miscreants, who've nothing better to do than tease them.Maybe not being the one with the lady, burns them up, and vengeance bursts out.
TAKE 2- Welcome to the new age, post liberalization youngistan which finds the former way of expressing love as earthbound. Opening up the economy has opened them up to an all new avenue to express love- commonly referred to as the DATING culture( "Seeing each other", "going out" are synonyms of the same phenomenon). The Gen X and now the Gen Y believe they are more pragmatic with relationships, since they give it more time before they could sing " Janam Janam ka Saath hai, Humara Tumhara, Humaara Tumhaara". Or instead it is "Tujhme rab dikhta hai" that goes better with the Youngistani love birds.
But, now this LOVE (if one can refer to it that ways) does cost a thing. Today's ladies would either kill or dump the guy, if he calls her to meet in an isolated corner of a garden to talk about how they are meant for one another in all their next lives ( rightly so i guess, even the sound of it is gross).
So, the dating joints have shifted from roadside lakeviews and parks to fancy restaurants, coffee shops,discs or lounges. Now here, there are two classifications-CHIVALRY and PRAGMATISM. The former category is the one where the guy is always expected to pay for the lady (STRIKE 1). It becomes a non negotiable agreement- THE GUY MUST PAY. And adding insult to injury is the the girl's PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS (SIZE 0 to be precise) which makes her order the whole caboodle, but she leaves most of it untouched. And not only is she cautious about her own figure,but she wants the guy to be meticulous about his physique as well; thus preventing him from hogging like a guzzler.
Now the PRAGMATICS- they pay for themselves, they make sure they order sensibly and finish it and thankfully here the girl'S obsession is in bearable limits. The gospel is "Khao or khane do: the central idea is to have a good time". But still, here as well, the moolah is the cynosure and does creep in as a major factor(thankfully the burden is shared).
The favorite kid of new age india- mobile phones are next in line. Now, people who are seeing each other, have found the perfect companion in this gadget to keep them connected 24*7. Be it In college, on their vehicles, in the bathroom, in the bedrooms(playing with the pillow), standing on the porch, walking on the terrace, climbing up the stairs, climbing down the stairs or while taking food (before swallowing, while swallowing and after swallowing), the love birds just cant have enough of each other. How much closer does it bring them is debatable, but it certainly brings the telecom companies closer to whopping moolah(Fancy Airtel crossing 100 million customer base;major chunk being youngsters). Feeling the ethical responsibility of being the facilitators of the conversations(balderdash actually !!!), these companies keep coming up with offers to lure the young minds and to keep the cash bells ringing for themselves. Now, here the love does cost them a hefty sum if not whopping (STRIKE-2) and of course the bible of love says- getting regular topups done for each other is an integral part of a strong relationship.
The elder sister of mobile revolution, INTERNET- is another avenue to achieve the same. Now, it isn't as brutal as the former because it comes under the cloak of the so called "Internet-Is-So-imporant-for-the-career" psyche and hence cushions the blow. But the social networking sites and the chatting IM's do cost a chunk of the time if not money; the height of preposterous activity being chatting and talking with the same person simultaneously.
The next in the list is -fuel(STRIKE-3). Now, for this there is no count at all. Meeting at diffent joints, taking her for a ride,taking her for shopping, taking her to a movie(Chivalrous- be ready to pay for the ticket as well), going 10 times around the girl's house are paragons of how stealethly love empties the pockets and one even loses count of it.
Moving on, we've the cornerstone and a prerequisite of any relationship- GIFTS(STRIKE-4). We've birthdays, first meeting anniversary (monthly that is),first date gift, first date anninversary gift,first movie anniversary gift, first kiss anniversary gift;the list is more than the count of your hair. Why i adore the Pragmatics is because they dont indulge in this futile ostantatious flaunting, which is supposedly an avenue to reiterate your belief in the relationship (GROW UP!!!!!).

Now comes the icing on the cake- the situation when the partner gets angry and stops talking (STRIKE-1,2,3,4 CONGLOMERATED).You're supposed to do all the above mentioned things to woo your partner, to make her take a way back into love and the expenses shoot up more than when the sensex hits the upper circuit. Like an old classic hindi song of the Amitabh starrer 'majboor' puts it - "Roothe Rab Ko manaana aasaan hai, roothe yaar ko manaana mushkil hai."
Now, the pragmatics being the sensible beings,are intelligent enough to find a way out of all the situations mentioned , so that its not only one out of them to bear the brunt. They are practical enough of not getting grandiloquent in the expenditure.Its the chivalrous group that suffers big time(unless the guy's dad is a multi millionaire). But doesn't it reflect a very sorry state that love somehow never stays the nub of the relationship and materialism takes over??
I always had a question lingering in my mind and there hasn't been a rational reasoning to quell my curiosity. Is there even one logical reason as to why the guy should pay mostly if he himself is dependent on his parents and takes money from them for varied reasons??
Now, i'm not against the concept of dating.I agree that ladies are Archangels who deserve all the mollycoddling, but when its done at the expense of not one's own hard earned money but that of one's parents', that's when i have an issue with it. And its the responsibility of both people involved, to take a cue from the Pragmatics. They need to understand that once they're in a position to be someone on their own, that's when the romantics can kick out the economics out of the window.
The patrons of love, who claim its only the other person's demeanor and assiduous deportment which matters to them, i ask the question that why then do we fall in love with equals or the more well off ones?? Why doesnt a guy or a girl who is mediocre in the basic parameters of the assessment we've inculcated, get a chance to portray his/her demeanor, his/her love?? how often do we care to even give a chance to take them into reckoning?? How often do we care to find his/her nature first and leave aside the conspicuously alluring facets??
I see we mostly ignore it. Lets face it, love is conditional (The Unconditional element sounds good only in silver jubilee blockbusters-but there also the hero falls in love with the leading lady only, never even bothers to find out that her friend may be a better person). We all are that ways, and i'm not asking one to change. Its perfectly acceptable that we all want the best for ourselves: the respective Greek Goddesses and Prince Charmings,we all want stability. But we refuse to accept it. We need to accept that here as well love comes at a cost; at an expense: the expense of a condition and hence is not as pristine as it is made out to be. So, let us be honest with ourselves for once and accept that we're proponents of conditional love. It is high time for us to face reality and stop propagating the spurious theory that "LOVE DONT COST A THING".
NOTE :- The grammatically correct usage is "Love doesn't" and not "Love don't". The usage here is just to correlate with the song. The author wont entertain allegations of misdirection [:P]
Another brilliant work my friend..
However your view is limited...we that is to say the youngistan are moving over yet how many of the so called love's in college actually move over or provide the security that one seeks in a relationship..
The pragamtics are intelligent enough not to go head over heels but the chivalrious are not foolish as well..they get their own in some way or another..
You also forget to mention the breed of small bur fast growing guys who expect girls to pay!!
The fact of the matter is that people who study in colleges or are withour responsibilities...fool themselves into beleving that their love is happy... in reality love like all other relations has it's highs and lows..
and eventually it all comes down to the temprament of the two people and not the love between them...as a no of broken hollywood marriages show the partners are always in love yet they just blow it!!
But you do put it right for the college guys..considering you never wasted any money urself.
well done iceman!
PS: I hope this is not using the public forum to tell ur would be muse of what you want!!
lol.... i agreed with chivalry on the "STRIKE 1" ...though you do have a point..i'ts not their money to spend...
very well written ...
btw ...love has always always always been conditional..its not something new...
and also in the movies...the hero does fall in love with the best friend...but that just makes the best friend the leading lady..."don't it" :D
Someone once asked a guy why women don't gamble as much as men do and he gave the common sensical reply that women don't have that much money.That was a true but incomplete answer.In fact, women's total instinct for gambling is satisfied by marriage....n tat i must say applies to love also...i completely agree with tat topic..times have changed..n with changing times..love is getting more costly...but with the modern thinking that women of today have,il just say 1 thing..."We don't need men to buy us diamonds."
I guess that should say enough..n ya,excellent work...commendable job..kip it going krish...
Oh ho! Firstly.. very courageous of u to write on such a controversial topic.. ur senses have been pretty functional on the issue.. and your ramification of the couples into your so called two categories do span almost all of the couples i've come across, barring just one or two.. n most of them actually fall into the former category.. the chivalry one..
but sometimes it isnt just the chivalry of the guy but also the grandiloquence which forces him to spend.. n sometimes for some idiots its the male ego which cannot stand the girls shelling out the lucre...:P
So its not always the fault of a girl.. she just enjoys the comfort.. n why wouldnt she?:)
maybe the fear of ending up in such a category has kept u abstained from entering into a relationship.. hai na?:P
n lets see if any girl still comes your way after reading this..:)
again a very well written post n a very good use of pictures here.. just one thing... its toooo long... u could have shortened it a little..
looking fwd to ur next post...:)
Nice topic . You have aptly pointed out what i have always thought of these love birds . Right from the morning to the time they sleep , their mobiles are abuzz with the latest updates ( I wonder whether this was the idea behind twitter )
Updating about everything and anything is pathetic . Often the GENX misinterprets love as a physical and mental satisfaction , whereas it is something different. Dun know when they will learn about this :|
Really Good posts , nothing much to say since I agree with you on most of the stuff you have said
I appreciate ur guts to write on such a sensitive issue.As always...fab work done.
U hv sum really strong points here.
However, I beg to differ.
Firstly,it is quite true dat luv has become more of a status symbol these days, but there are exceptionals...
And as a matter of fact...their r most of dem who actually realise d devine feeling called luv nd others simply fall prey to infatuation!!!
But sooner or later they do realise it,anywayz.
So why blame luv jst becoz a class of minority doesn't understand it!
Secondly, people r to be blamed equally if a guy spends his parent's hard-earned money on his gf...I mean,yes,gals do xpect their bfs to spend on dem but don't u think guys do dis more often to impress d gals!!!
Also,u hv added sumthing about spending a lot for different anniversaries...I guess ther r things dat can never be changed,neither can we put a ban on dem.It may hurt people's emotional forefront.
I strongly believe in luv nd wud rather like to share wid u one
of d fairest descriptions of luv from the movie Captain Corelli's
"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then
subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the
promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident."
And Lastly,I completely agree wid ur last point : It indeed is high time for us to face reality and stop propagating the spurious theory that "LOVE DONT COST A THING". It actually does cost da most precious nd valuable things of all---It costs "The Lives of those who fail in luv."
I guess dats why dey say "ALL'S FAIR IN LUV ND WAR!"
oh wow... !! tht was rily brilliant..!!!
u hav precisly pointed out biggest mistery.. i mean how can ppl go on n on over d phones n mobiles,day n night.. wat do they talk abt so long.?? i mean thts rily, borin (for me atleast)..!!
yeah love does cost a thing these days.. its no more lik 'kasme vaade nibhayenge stuff.'' gals expect a lot frm guys..!! now tht is somethin rily difficult for guys.. [:P] nowadays d simplest n most preffered way to propose a gal is by expensive gifts !! uhh.. thts bad..
love is not something u can buy guyss.. dnt even look out for a gal who expects u to spend money..she wil b in love wid u only til u giv her gifts..!!!
I strongly beleive in love.. but now a days ppl dnt do justice to wat they call as 'LOVE'
love at first sight is d most foolish thing... how can u fall in love wid d person in one simple look or an eye contact.. u can fall in love wid d beauty but not d person..
youngistan wat we call ourselfs today.. has made fun of divine relation known as LOVE..
they say LOVE never dies.. i hope it doesnt... i rily hope..!!!
Brave attempt..can see my thoughts too translating among those lines..I agree that sometimes,in love,a boy may be expected to be the sole breadwinner.And that’s horribly unfair.But I beg to differ on the list of anniversaries u mentioned..I think you exaggerated it a little bit. first movie anniversary gift?? Nah this stage is yet to come..ha ha
Another consideration is that most of the guys have misconception that a lady can only be impressed by giving her expensive gifts and other stuffs u mentioned.But that’s not essential..a single rose is more than sufficient to express one’s feelings..guys should stop entertaining those gals who has huge demands.. otherwise love will truly cost a lot to them.. mentally and financially.
For rest of the things I hold the same opinion.
All n all, I think u made a wonderful mélange of a lot of points.. Excellent write..Very well summed up!
Yes, love doesn’t cost a thing...n it shouldn’t either. But Love is a very knotty (complex) term...at least I think that ways...it is not just about being with somebody or spending on somebody or rather talking to that person endlessly... its more...
After reading your previous articles..i thought you had a weather eye.. but when I read this one I found my conjectures implausible...n ya ‘MY’ conjectures...coz there are many ppl who actually liked it n agreed to it..
Well... you were going well...until I found that though you divided the love buds into two groups..chivalrous n pragmatic..u traduced the girls in chivalrous group..n were actually able to propitiate the guys..n to my surprise few gals as well..perhaps they(gals) couldn’t notice that...
sir, come out of ur reverie... the guys aren’t as immaculate as you wrote them to be...you showed that guys are smitten in love.. revolving around the gals’ house, they are dumb n stupid n all...but i guess these are pretty sweet terms for them.. which you used n thought you balanced it well with the harsh lines about gals..
but sir, just after seeing few hindi movies, or reading few articles about love you cannot make such a picture of a girl or generalise it..there are many relationships where girls actually pay for guys...ya i guess i should give u examples from hindi movies...that would probably make u think..well in fashion movie..Kangna’s boyfriend was totally dependent on her..n still wasn’t sweet to her..(hope u saw fashion), ishk vishk, ghajini,27 dresses,... n trust me there are loads of examples...
I hope you must have read this:
“Lucky is the guy, who is the first love of a gal...
But luckier is the gal who is the last love of a guy...”
You know why??coz though guys keep revolving around gals’ house but the girl keep changing each day...n you guys would probably find this hilarious..but its risible to me...
I feel its the girl who actually knows the meaning of LOVE n carries the relationship well..
The pragmatic group of yours very nicely shows how good n practical the guys n gals are...but sir, guys wer gud in chivalrous as well...so are guys really as sweet n prosaic as u have mentioned???
You were biased...
Again great work!!!!!!
Everything u wrote here is 100% correct…no doubt abt it..
Great Observation.. But everything u written here is ur observation.. u are a mere observer…… Have u ever heard of any guy in Love(as u say) complaining abt all those expenses???
What I think is.. In colleges, many ppl just maintain these relationships for show off.. these r not long lasting relationships. M not saying abt all but most of them do so.. And abt dating and all other things its not written anywhere that everytime the guy should pay.. it totally depends on that person..
Pragmatism in relationship is always effective..especially when u r dependent on ur parents.. and when u r independent u r free to do everything u want..
And abt Love… it is a feeling… its not a thing..which has cost.. There is no need to express feelings with expensive gifts or any other expensive way.. It also differs from person to person..
Is it (Love) really necessary thing in life when u r going through most important phase (career) of ur life???? What most important is to achieve ur goal… and as u achieve it, u r free to do anything & u hav whole life to live ur way…
No one thinks in this manner.. but its also true that this thing can not be understood by observation.. u have to experience it..
Really good observation…. Well done..
Pyar Lagavat, pranay, mohabbat, prem preet ya love lamu
Naam naye per katha wahi hai, her kisse ki baat nayee hai…( chashme baddoor)
This is one of my fav. Songs .lovely lyrics and one of the chief reasons why I can watch this movie at any given time!!
There used to be a time where the meeting of two sunflowers symbolized the amorous twitches of two lovers.There were days when tooty fruity seemed to be only thing in the menu for these blinded in love mortals.An amble preferred over a car drive, a game of badminton over bridge and a late night movie over pubs.Love gamboled and flourished under the umbrella of the word ‘company of one another’ much to the annoyance of close friends who were ruthlessly ignored.
I could never figure out phrases like “ she/he is my better half” or “she/he completes me” !! That’s just preposterous.Do you mean when she/he walked in your life he/she added a kidney or a limb to your body? How bout a brain ehhh??? We always are in a hurry to complete the puzzle of life..very desperate for a calm,placid stability.That leads to a disastrous and disfigured completion of the picture but we still continue to fool ourselves very well aware that its just a mirage.The day you start to fit in the pieces the way they were meant to be , all hell breaks loose ( read child marriages of celebs which ended in a divorce ) Nobody wishes to be all by themselves.Such is the wrath of insecurity , such is the need to love and be loved. How can you claim to know n love someone when you are unknown to yourself?? They say love hides in every corner, then I must be walking in circles.
They say opposites attract!!! Ya right , it holds good if u consider all humans to be magnets!! As my fav. Pirsig classifies and thus simplifies matter…people are classified as classical ( trademarks : economical,unadorned,hauls the flag of reasons,laws,thoughts and behavior) and romantics ( rely on immediate appearance , feelings over facts , mawkish ,what do you mean by reasons and laws??) A balanced proportion of both in all of us is the key to a life well lived and loved.But the formula for the balance seems so recondite to many.
I wonder what is love ? At 3pm when the sun’s temper is at the peak , dressed up like a disco ball with face covered outside a park. Maybe that is love. Lifting up your husband as he falls down on the street after every third step he takes becoz he is horribly drunk.Maybe that is love. Your location,action,company and thoughts disposed to your “better half” 24 * 7..Maybe that is love.Lose yourself to find you in others.Maybe that is love.
KK, good observations and a perfect piece of work to breed scandals ( ha haa) .But dude whether its fools in love or fools in war, they all deserve one thing…i.e to be fooled ( applicable to both genders) Since you know me well , I think your perception about the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach should change.You have an amazing way to accentuate on a matter of consideration enveloped with a good sense of humor.keep the masterpieces coming dude!!
Lastly, my fav,.lines which I’m sure you’ll be able to relate to too…
If finding love is just a dance,proximity and chance,
You will excuse me if I skip the masquerade .
Well in todays world though mostly love being conditional but still some extent the unconditional exists though in a miniscule quantity...
Most people though have forgotten that love is collective term for various feelings such as understanding each other,adjustment and caring for each other..
Sorry to say this but these days love is being more of a game rather than as a feeling...
But still i dont deny the fact that ppl do fall in the latter category....
If you observe in a bunch of people most of them are being chivalrious rather than pragmatic... some guys land into chivalrious category just due to der ego that guy should pay...
The point regarding college ppl spending money on mobiles n gifts is quite right... Well spending money on some ocassions is quite crucial but still both should have the sensibility of spending the money..
But all this love stuff depends on the two individuals in consideration n the way they carry along the relationship...
Even if the love being conditional or unconditional it does cost you...
Anyways keep up the good work man...
I earnestly accede to every word of your in this empirical and verisimilitude treatise. Really man, a boy or a girl having an affair with someone, has actually become quite mundane to hear. And why not, after all the Gen Y has perceived it to be paramount in nature. A boy or a girl not having ventured into this so called highly elated and vivacious phase,for many, is considered to be yet living in the antediluvian age.
Your observation is quite politic on the two categories that exist in this arena.
Irrefutably their exit the two categories-chivalrous and the pragmatic. What entertainingly makes the biggest difference is the severe dominance of one over the other. The chivalrous one, which is like Google in the web, is quite obvious to be ruling bcoz of the idiosyncracy in its demeanor. Most of the times, the boy being the culprit behind sowing and nurturing an affair right from its inchoat stage, does what not to sustain it. After all, the relation consists of a partner from the eminent set of attractive physiognomy and lineaments, which undoubtedly is the centre most cause behind the relation's discovery. Hence, this is one issue I think the article lacks and should have been discussed at length.
More over the pragmatic class which holds a lilliputian stake in this arena is actually the one which substantiates the earnestness in the mutual endearment existing between a boy and a girl.
Lastly the entire organization of the article and the eloquence is again commendable and pictures are a perfect fit to whats being discussed.
Well said my friend. Whatever you have accounted for the condition to be with one is well defined,but i can assure you that it's not enough. There are a few more rules to be followed,well but that's not a issue.
Well about love, i just know that it is FAKE and love is a lie invented by the Romans Empire.
Before the Roman era, there was NO such thing as "Romantic love".
It was just a cultural concept invented during their time in Rome, as they wanna reduce the male chauvinism and male domination that is so prevalent since the beginning of time. Those days, when a guy wish to take a girl as wife, it was by force or be paid for to the girl's family.
Then After the invention of the romantic culture, a guy now must "chase or woo" the girl or simply to win over her heart if he wants her to be his wife.
By and large, Male chauvinism is still pretty much prevalent in many countries around the world today. Some example of societies who DO NOT endorse the romantic style male-female relations ship are; rural China, rural japan, Arabs, Muslims, indians, tribal society.
Most westernized countries which adopts the romantic culture are those who have links to Europe.
BUT if you GO BACK to the very basic, Romantic Love is just an mental-invention only. And it often dies off after marriage.
Though whatever concept resides in the both minds,it's true that they both are being fooled by each other and are deviating from their regular life to be in constraint one.
And about the "cost" part,it is their half-baked mind which have been induced from movies stuff and all.
Well,this topic seems to be an infinite series of discussions, thought and beliefs.
All in all, it is very good post. In fact, I would rather consider it as a eye-opening for every bloke around here (if not for them,atleast for me :) ).
waiting for ur next cannonade........
This article has got maximum comments so I strongly think that all young champs liked it. It’s a very well written article and is also a very conspicuous truth. In conclusion, we can buy love, as you mentioned that boys pay all dating expenses and girls pay all for their zero size. Now there is a different class of people (like Abdul Kalam in real life or Shaharukh Khan in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi) don’t show appreciable reading in their love meter.Therefore I think love is being more materialistic.
Great and Brave Post.
A question is can a girl make you a Millionaire?
Ans:The answer is Yes But the only condition for this to be true is that you must be a billionaire for that to happen.......
hey i visited ur blog........nice1...its really good:-)waise hw come u wrote n such a topic??
hey i visited ur blog........nice1...its really good:-)waise hw come u wrote n such a topic??
I bet all my money, ninety-nine out of hundred people will scramble around to search the address of the nearest mental asylum to send me, when they hear me say that this chivalrous attitude of the happening guys in city is all just to negate the great wrong doing of their great grandfathers, grandfathers and to some cases their fathers too. For these were the people who justified themselves in limiting the freedom of the ladies, denying them the right to education, right to voice just opinion and all the rights that we now so easily take for granted. No you all will have to atleast grant me
Well enough I have reasons to justify my claim. For a moment, forget the differently-abled when you question yourself "why do we justify reservations for different classes of people in our temples of learning(the educational institutes) and in our temples of earning(central govt offices). Should I take it for granted that all of u will say that those who were oppressed not just in our history books, but also in reality, deserve d right to claim reservation of seats. If So, then here we have the sons, daughter grandsons, grand-daughters, enjoying the benefits on the basis of suffering of their patronage.
Then why is the fairer sex blamed when their whims nd fancies r paid for in cash??Did not their parents witness dowry during their times??It was the most dreaded of Financial obligation.Also, Why do we forget cases of Sati, dowry deaths, child marriages?? Girls suffered. As did SC's, ST's and OBC's. So when reservation of seats is way to ammend ways, den why not repent our sins by giving a better deal to those from venus. Why not,changing d scenario altogethr. Earlier girls were ' paraya dhan', now guys gonna be 'lutayga dhan'.
Let me quote this, for i cannot resist this temptation, and wonder over the irony of the situation
Guy:Do u love me??
Gal:(Sigh!!)I suppose i will have to think over my preferences.
Guy: Waiter,better then get two differnt bills for the dinner.
A family of four, Mother,father,son daughter, don’t have to worry of d gals pocket money, her boyfrend is sufficient. But when u talk of d son, d father,s BP shoots through to the moon.So here we are repenting our sins, we are now witnessing wat is now called DATING culture. Bring it on Guys.Time to set the cash registers ringing. How?? By changing with the times.
Set up a telecom company,distribute free add on sim-cards to every male customers,T&C-free sim can be used only by girlfrend,spouse or extra-marital wife.
A restaraunt as start-up wud be another big venture T&C-5% rebate in Billing if wife/girlfrend accompanies.Howzaatt?? Game for more?? Boutiques,lounges,multiplexes-you just name it nd i promise to design a B-plan.Royalty charges apply. Discount available to couples.
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