I read an interesting quote sometime back which said "An Englishman, even if he is alone,forms an orderly queue of one". The quote though sarcastic, took me in a pensive mood to ruminate over the phenomenon of queues. Indians have an unbreakable nexus with queues, and not only have they learnt to live with it, but have found out ways to mitigate the pain of the stultifying process of waiting in a queue.
To be honest, its with the advent of education only that this QUEUE-LOROFORM is sprayed on us. I can still recall the sound of my teacher shouting at the top of her voice- "All the students go to the assembly in a straight line", " Hey you, walk properly in a queue", " Dont you have any discipline that you're walking waywardly??", and of course my personal favorite: The gospel of most teaching manuals- "Keep silence when you walk in a line". Oh God!! now that's callous. Its not an exaggeration but place yourself in the shoes of a young toddler of today; a toddler who's already engrossed in unravelling the mysteries of his/her lost teeth, who carries a bag that's double his/her own size,who cant figure out whether his/her english teacher is worse than the hindi one or is it the maths teacher who beats them hands down, who already has the onerous task of becoming a Tendulkar, Abdul Kalam and SRK(mind u all of them and not just one of them) in the future, who faces the diurnal conundrum of whether to resort to pokemon on tv or CounterStrike on the PC once back home after a long day in school, who has to settle for a mediocre kurkure packet when he/she is adamant to eat out at the new pizza outlet around the corner, who has to not only remember the latest chartbusters by heart but also maintain a staunch general awareness aptitude by reminiscing the show timings of Cartoon network,pogo, hungama, disney and god knows how many channels. Now isn't it unfair to expect from a little child, who's already preoccupied with so many grave obligations and has so much to discuss, to keep quiet in a queue and also to make sure that the movements are minimal. My sympathies to them. Wish this big bad world could understand their point of view for once.
So we become part of the queue movement since we learn to stand on our feet and the instances with the queues start queuing up. What starts as a discipline developing excercise, becomes an inevitable humdrum in our lives. For me, queues are synonymous to just one thing- a saturnine period of wait which just goes on and on and on.Its the same as how the long lost lovers in our hindi potboilers put it "Ek Ek pal sadiyon ki tarah lagta hai". Sorry to steal the thunder away from one of the most sought after lines of love birds, but it describes my predicament perfectly.
And the situation exacerbates for a lackadaisical ruminating person like me ( Ah!! forget the euphemism- i mean a lazy bum like me) who gets impatient on seeing a queue and the pain grows in direct proportion to the length of the queue. But as they say " The more one whines, the more ill luck shines". I've been part of this excruciating process quite a few times of late. But this is not about me only,i shouldn't be parochial.I'll try to give a general perception and will try hard not to let my personal grudge intervene(tho i may fail sporadically). people start the quest of queues right from the time of getting admission in a school, then to fill the fees, to be part of some fancy children's club because the neighbour's kid is part of it as well, then in college for every x, y and z reason. But the real winner are queues to get some document verified. For each document u need to be part of a queue, to get them photocopied u're part of a queue, to verify them you're again in a queue and i'm not even getting into the scenario where your request may be rejected at any of these places and you've to be part of it all over again. Phew!!!!
So be it banks, courts, RTO,bus stands,hospitals,temples, bill payments or movie tickets, we witness ourselves being part of a queue at some point or the other. The latest rage being the auditions of reality shows. Just to see thousands of people flocking up, standing one after the other, waiting for eternity until their chance comes,makes me fall in admiration of these brave souls who're ready to fight out heat, hunger,fatigue, boredom and sometimes obnoxious company. They have the audacity to come and stand a day before, just to make sure they are not in the nether half of the line. Kudos to these people, they deserve a medal of honour.
Fancy the gentleman here who has found a thing to cheer about even here.
The famous Mumbaikar spirit that the entire world talks about has this striking knack of forming queues. i was flabbergasted to see the way the mumbaikars arrange themselves in a queue anywhere, anytime, anyhow. Its a commendable trait where one can witness people conglomerating one after the other and they never even crib about it.
But queues do give us the opportunity of witnessing some really interesting people. We encounter a wide gamut of people of varied psyche, backgrounds and temperaments. While some are too engrossed with their mobile phones coochy cooing, some dont leave the chance to discuss the fallacies of the Political system or the underperformance of the cricket team, some keep losing temper intermittently to indulge in vituperation (#$%@^*$#@%) meant for the officials, while some get the solace of finally finding a listener and they dont hesitate in putting their hearts out. On many occasions, people gel so well in the ghastly waiting period, that they end up exchanging email id's ,contact no.s (the more ostentatious ones flaunt by asking directly - "Are u on orkut or facebook"??). Take that for human networking!!!! We hear jokes, we have guys who keep searching if there is a pretty face in the ladies line and we've people like me who just have one thought in the mind - "Mera number kab aayega"????
Like it or not, queues are an integral part of our lives, and no matter how tech savvy we get by making everything online; queues are here to stay, atleast for our generation. There is no denying the fact that it is a sign of discipline and of an organized setup.So either i keep cribbing about the sheer pain in the neck that this phenomenon is or i take a cue out of the books of the people who somehow manage to make the wait a fun process. I feel the solution may lie in me being less QUE(UE)RULOUS and envisaging the scenario to be on the other side of the queue i.e. being queued up for.
very impressive as always mate... the process of queues is an adventure in itself as u rightly point out..
just 2 add 2 ur xcellent write up... Even before we are born we are in queue of the hospital!!
so i guess we are all born as a part of the queue and the only time probably when we will be a one person queue is when we die..
An xcellent point...and i hope the authorities in question listen 2 u!!
Dude maybe thats why they say "Waqt se pehle aur taqdeer se zaada kissko nahi milta !! "
that was well written as always.. and i guess everyone will agree with you when you say that lining up is unavoidable...but then its inevitable...it just has to be done...can you imaging the scenario where there are no queues...so i think you just might have to pass time with looking for pretty girls in the ladies line to whom you can hand over your work to(;))...lolz..
and thougg its very well written ...i fail to see the point behind writing it? you tell us how annoying it is to stand in queues ..but then what...we have to stand there anyways?
An excellent piece of work done here...
It reminds me of d days wen we had to bunk our lectures to submit our exam forms early,inorder to avoid standing in queues...
nd to watch a movie(hw can nebdy frget...?)there was no other way to buy a ticket frm cinemax other than standing in dat really looong queue!
But don't u think if a person possesses wealth nd fame he can overcome dis hurdle named QUEUE...!??? I mean take d eg. of VIPs nd VVIPs including d celebrities nd d politicians... ther's always d common man left behind to suffer...
Rightly said by Karan-v'll be a one person queue only wen v die.
Newaz,found sumthing really interesting to read aftr a long queue...oops!!!time.Cheers to our intellect!
Well, the only ‘que’stion that comes to my mind is....how do u manage to think of such ‘out of the blue’ topics...n write them sooo beautifully... expressing exactly wat any individual would think of...
N ya almost everywhere we need to stand in queue...be it during admission or submission or viva(though i prefer a long one during viva) or book issuing or canteen or restaurant (dominos especially) or hospitals...oh god! Wouldn’t have helped even if i had hundred fingers...list just goes on n on n on...... i cant forget the long queue of tirupati balaji mandir...i mean how can i forget that...the longest queue i encountered...’oh god!!’oops cant say even that coz ‘aap katar mein hai’ ...god is busy.. but ya Shirsha is absolutely right...these affluent people don’t have this ‘queue’ word in their lexicon...whereas in our case actually it starts with that word n ends too...
And how can we forget Data structure!!!!i mean...our syllabus itself talks about queue...we compsci people are completely surrounded by queue...hope u remember enqueue,dequeue,priority queue(made for affluent haha) n all....well then in compsci terms i prefer stack(last in first out)...n i guess u would also prefer that...
Phew !!
So much abt d QUEUE !!
And lo,
all of it so true !!
Not that i never knew,
The thing said by d crew,
Set Me thinking about d Queue !!
Kyun Queue??
Queue Kyun??
Aha !!
Grey matter in me is too little too few,
Perspering forehead,
Seems like early morning Dew !!
Purr, Whisper & some meow !!
Is all ever I can do,
So forgive me,
Like several in the Queue,
Coz I can add here nothing new !!
that was well written as always...
we can't imagine anything without queue because wherever we go there is always a queue.. And u can only know ur patience level when u r in a long queue..if u get movie ticket after standing in a long queue & u came to know that movie is boring still u wait to see movie expecting somthing intresting would happen coz u bought ticket standing in a long queue.. Imagine u r standing in long queue to pay bill and when someone say 'itna sa toh kam tha' then ur temper goes high and u vl say 'jab khud dhup me 2 ghante khade rahoge tab pata chalega'.. Queue has become a part of our life.. like karan said we born in queue and v'll die in queue..
Excellent work!!!!
Gosh!! Kyun so much on an innocent queue!! How do u manage to write so much about something so trivial?? u r a professional in this now..
Anyway.. Its Engrossing.. Envisioning... Entertaining.. Enlightening..
really very well written..
Waise Queues are really very boring to be a part of.. But like the water seems satisfying only when u r thirsty.. the queues only make the completion of work satisfying to its best.. no fun without any effort put..
So why not be the one who starts the queue.. there wud be no waiting then.. Get ur work done quickly and stand aside and tease the others who r still waiting for their turn..:P
For nonchalant persons(like me) a queue is actually enlightening.. The importance of the work is understood only when u stand in queue to get it done..
Actually.. all queues here are priority queues.. Some people get priority.. some don't.. Sometimes its irritating.. Sometimes its motivating... Watching the privileged skipping the wait at queue makes u wanna join that ivy league so that someday u could also skip the queue...:)
So we see here that queues are basically very important for the all round development of a student..:-P
So start queuing up n move ahead in life...:)
anyway moving on with the commenting..
The topic u picked up was really crude and the article in whole wasn't just meant for the esoterics.. N ya.. The pictures used are cool.. Gr8 work done.. Looking forward to read ur next post...
Keep up the good work..
I disagree with you . You are talking about an unbreakable nexus between Indians and the Queues . Now that is something wrong . Even Foreign country do have queues at various places , the difference is how things work at places.
I would rather blame the bureaucracy and the paper works that exist in our system that have made this unending nexus. The only solution to this is by upgrading our bureaucratic system and making things more technically oriented.
Again you seem to forget the point that many of the services have gone online. Today I can book my tickets , transact money , pay policies , all at one click and that to an extent has reduced the queuing phenomenon :)
And wherever you go , to whichever corner of the world , queues are bound to exist . In Programming concepts , there exists an important datastructure called Queues , OS's also queue up the data and processes they have to execute . So it is not a problem of queues rather it is a problem of how things work out.
Imagine a place without queue . Let us say you are a verifier and you verify some documents , that is your job . Will you like it if all people come up and encircle you and give you no air and ask you to verify their documents . Now that is a situation that nobody will want . Instead an order , in which people come , get the documents verified would make it more easy for you as well as well as for the people.
No Offense meant but where is the connection between Children standing in queues and day dreaming. Even Abdul Kalam , SRK once might have stood in queues. You totally mixed it up at that point and that whole paragraph seems way out of the topic.
LEt us put up this way . As you said Queues are important in a sense , that they maintain an order and discipline . Although i feel that you should have emphasised more on the way how systems should work so as to make these queues move quickly . I have been a part of the slow lines as well as the fast moving lines . The way how they work is what matters the most rather than , the queues.
A Nice Article as usual in the writing sense but the ideas seem hazy at some places when compared to other articles . Nevertheless makes for an interesting read :)
very gripping and enjoyable...The fact tat u wrote an article on this shows how keenly you have noticed this aspect of life..and u have written this artcle from a common man's perspective...indeed worth appreciation...good job krish!
so after reading all the comments i feel ur getting mixed opinion of people...
"When critics disagree,the artist is in accord with himself"-Oscar Wilde
i guess u know what i mean...
gr8 job done...
waiting for your next masterpiece
Mr. Ice Man has done a great job here. I will appreciate the way he explained common human activities and thoughts while standing in a queue. He owns a great proficiency to penetrate complex thoughts. To be honest, he is the best director, detective and dreamer.
Again, the entire organization of the article and your potential to put down etymology’s products to work is commendable. I certainly empathize the excruciating experience of yours being in a queue. Certainly the experience is filled with high level of atrocity of being disciplined. Thus I can understand the ebullience that persuaded you to share the incessant experience.
Certainly a queue of people is a banal thing to discuss or elaborate upon, except when it’s the queue in Computer Science which has practically exorbitant significance, but what is discussable is its enervating experience as you have done. It’s a multifariously known fact that a queue is not an excursion, which one can consider as a matter of choice, rather it’s usually the only choice of certain matters. Matters of being in a queue for getting various tasks accomplished at public and private places. Above why I say “usually” is because we cannot ignore a country like India which has people like me as its ascetic citizens, who when in a queue have learnt to transgress all disciplinary boundaries and endeavor to establish some give and take relation with the person serving at the counter who at his own pace tries to serve the never ending queue. Though not quotidian does the formula work but when it does you suddenly find yourself on the vivacious side of what you would have had after a long and excruciating process.
It’s like you have managed to break the FIFO principle of a queue which I think is sometimes facile enough in a country like India where people manage to establish over and under table relationships.
The QUEUE-LOROFORM of discipline which you think is sprayed when one’s an infant and as the advent of which one forcefully austeres the rule of thumb of a queue , happen all over the world but with India as an exception. The reason being very simple that if one has or can develop a relation with one or more person(s) working in the concerned authority, he/she can refrain himself from the trauma of undergoing the legal (disciplined) process. Thanks to our corrupt nature of working.
More over the elaboration of QUEUE-LOROFORM spraying process during school days, and all the activities that keep infants engrossed having no room for its effect in the insouciant infant mind, is superfluously exaggerated.
At the end of it all the I appreciate your ability to mull at such a topic which for many I believe would be an arduous task to even think of let alone of writing it down.
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