"We don't see eye to eye on many things.But Dad, I come to believe that I got it in me to be somebody in this world. And it's not because I'm so different from you either. It's 'cause I'm the same. You know, I can be just as hardheaded and just as tough. I only hope I can be as good a man as you are." - October Sky
This line clearly epitomizes the terrains on which a father son relationship travels. It is probably the most intense, complex and subtle relationship in a man's life. The equation can never be expressed properly with the right adjectives because it has an uncanny enigma associated with it. From the time a little boy starts to understand the nuances of life, the first hero he envisages is his father. For a kid, everything that his father does,sets a benchmark that even his favorite actor can't emulate. Be it the style of amble, be it the way he talks, be it his style of reading newspaper or be it his demeanor with his office colleagues. How many of us haven't tried wearing the shoes of our father after he was back from office? How many of us haven't used his shaving brush to shave our then non-existent beards? How many of us haven't tried copying his signature( not necessary for forgery :P ) just to feel that sense of power? I can honestly confess here that for me, even his style of smoking was the best possible way one could smoke. There was a sense of amazing panache in everything a father did that its imitation gave a surreal satisfaction. For us at that age, he is the person we really want to be (immaterial of our minds vacillating to pursue everything from medicine to engineering to flying to cricket to even becoming an astronaut ).
As we grow, the respect and the awe never goes down, but the relationship transmogrifies to a more intense and mellowed level. The father, who has himself sailed in the same boat, understands exactly how the temperament of an adolescent boy works and he also understands the fact that if that is not kept in right check, it can succumb to nefarious influences. Now, here the chasm starts to deepen. There are myriad difference of opinions on the most trivial of issues as the boy is in an age where everything seems impeccable and accomplishable. The feeling complemented by a sudden rise of ego and an indefatigable spirit, when finds a resistive force in the form of his father's experience, doesn't try to cogitate over it but deviates to insurgency. What adds on to this conundrum is the stoic expression of emotions. On one hand, whereas the mothers(sweethearts that they are) have a conspicuous expression style, the fathers weigh their words on every occasion making sure that there isn't a deluge of emotions flowing. So your mother's ecstacy over any of your laurels would certainly be communicated to her friends in morning walks, kitty parties, over phone or office get-togethers. She'll prepare the best of delicacies to celebrate the occasion. Fathers on the other hand, will express their happiness over it but will simultaneously give you a cautionary message of not becoming complacent and to keep working hard as success is ephemeral. His discussion about your laurels with his colleagues would be centered around how can you improve on your current accomplishment and the entire conversation would be sans exaggerated encomium. So moms would be all smiling and ecstatic, hymning the tunes of " Arey mera beta, I'm so proud of you. We should thank God that you've achieved this fete. You worked so hard for this. Tell me what do you want now as a gift?".

Now fathers would watch all this histrionic tsunami of emotions("Khushi ke aansu") and when you look towards him with all the expectations of a song of eulogy, all you get is " Good Job son. Keep it Up". That's it? I mean seriously, that's it? Wasn't it to accomplish this fete that i was lambasted by you time and again for the lack of effort, and now all I get is a " Good Job". Well that's how a father- son relationship is!!!
But what is the reason behind this comport? The reason is pretty simple -He has been there and done that. He knows where can we get lost and hence he is our guiding light to make sure the limelight isn't headed towards the Road to Perdition. A father's sole intention is to be the avenue of reality check for his boy, he just cannot afford to get sentimental about his kid as he clearly understands the fact that a bit of toughness today is the only way the boy can graduate to a man. A classic line used by many fathers when we try to outsmart him and the connivance is caught- " Beta, Aakhirkaar main tera baap hoon". Point duly noted and appreciated boss.
For a guy, there can never be a more educative, informative or a more wise promulgation of ideas than there is discussing with his father. Right from discussion of world politics to how human psyche is, how one can be duped in life or how to make sure that productivity of work can be maximized, dads know it all. They really do. Now, its not a matter of education or literacy, its sheer experience of life that equips them to share these pearls of wisdom. Now I'm not of the opinion that fathers are always right, but they mostly are and their judgment rarely goes wrong, especially when it comes to gauging their son. How many times haven't your father posed a challenge in front of you and you took it as a man to man thing and over a period of time you realized - "Gosh!! He was again right. He knew i wont do it." They just know it, don't they? And if you spring in a surprise by proving them wrong, well his loss is still his victory. Integrity, Honesty, self respect, astute acumen, smartness, diligence, conduct we learn all these traits directly or indirectly from him. No wonder that we find the anecdotes of his college instances to be really fascinating. There is an inexplicable sense of pride when you come to know that your father actually slapped someone. A flurry of questions with a sense of disbelief comes to your mind and you are like - " Really? Why? When? To whom? What then? Oh My God?" and the last question comes in " Why do you ask me then to stay away from all this?". You are beaming with pride thinking -"That's my dad!!!"

A father son's relationship has a lot of depth in it. Now can a son and a father really be friends? I think people misunderstand a father who is friendly to a father becoming a friend. Both the phenomenon are clearly discrete. A father can be friendly to make sure you have a sense of comfort to promulgate your opinion and ideas, but he certainly is not a friend because there is always a sense of respect, awe and and even fear that persists, which is certainly essential.
You need a person whose thought at any juncture of your life, can make you think twice before you choose a wrong path. His Halo shines with you forever. He's not only your ATM to withdraw money from as and when required to fulfill our necessities and even luxuries, the real asset that a guy gets out of his father is his purview over the scheme of things.
There have been so many movies in the past based on a father son relationship that've tried to capture the panorama of this relation's roller coaster ride. Be it the warmth of the relationship in The Pursuit Of Happyness or be it the intensity in The Godafather and its Indian counterpart Sarkar series, father-son relationship has been captured emphatically. Who can forget the scene in Lakshya when Hrithik calls his father(Boman Irani) and apologizes for letting him down, and the way Boman Irani says that he's proud to have a son like him.Low on words and emotions, but high on expression!!! Be it the altercation in Shakti or be it the
any door's story in Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa, there is high voltage, low resistance action involved in this relationship.
Sometimes it takes a road to perdition for the discovery of how much they care for each other, and sometimes it needs an adventure to find nemo ot discover how much they mean to each other. To put it in a nutshell the relationship doesnt rely too much on words- it is a relation of unsaid words, unexpressed emotions, and temperamental collisions.
Its very important to understand the fact that even though boys are meant to be close to their mothers(which they certainly are) because of the comfort, warmth, patient listening, quick melting of heart that they get. Fathers on the other hand are the source of strength. I bet that the most disturbing scene you can imagine in your life is your father in tears. Just imagine it and you feel a sudden excruciating gloom in your mind. This is just not meant to be, for us he is the source of power and seeing him down can be the most enervating thought.
This is the circle of life where the journey, from the time you start to learn walking holding his hands to the time you become the hands to support him, provides a meaning to your life. Just close your eyes and think of your father, you experience an uncanny power in yourself. Need I say anything more? Understated yet extraordinarily conspicuous is the journey of PAA and his son.
Touched.!!!! Abhi to 10:30pm ho gaya.. he must be sleeping..kal subah hote hi,...pehla call.. Papa ko.!!! :)
i always thought that this relationship can only be felt and not expressed..
you've done a commendable job by encapsulating the varied emotions, expressions, situations!! cheers!
there's one more thing i'd like to say.., no doubt we've had classy movies capturing the essence of father-son relationship, but when it comes to songs dedicated to dad, i recall none.. i hope prasoon bhai's listening!!!
to top it all..,
main na mandir na masjid gaya,
koi pothi na baachi kabhi..
apne pita ke charan chhuye,
bus meri bandagi ho gayi...
very nicely put up..:)
had never even thought abt this before and as sammer rightly says this relationship can only be felt and not expressed..
great job yaar..!!!
many a time my dad challenges me to some task, knowing very well that only if i am challenged would i do that task as it should be done and not the lazy way i would hv done it otherwise...
thats how well dad's know their son's but never show..its upto us to understand it and give him the respect that he rightly deserves...
brilliantly written man...the way you bring out the differences between the love shown by the parents is awesome...
great job iceman!!
Awesome Writing :) .You have aptly showed the relationship between a father and a son ....
I read this once in a hospital.
5 Years Old : My dad is my hero . He Knows Everything
10 Years Old : Okay although my dad does not know everything , he is still cool you know
20 Years Old : Why does Dad always interfere in my matter
25 Years Old : I studied so hard , worked so hard and when i get a Job , all he says is " Well Done " .... Nothing else ...
35 years Old : I have a son now .. I love the feeling . may be that is how dad felt when i was born
40 Years Old : It is turning out to be a tough job. I wonder how dad maintained to do such a job...
50 Years Old : Phew !! I wonder what Dad would have decided if he was in my place
Another brilliant specimen of writing by you :)
Amazing!!! feelings , emotions.. deep within.. it has all !!! nice to read somethin which i hav seen in my house.. a relationship betn my dad n bro!! same as u wrote..
i always wondered why both never had n eye contact, no funny jokes kinda.. very formal.. !!
guess i got my answers..!!!
indeed MEN R FROM MARS.. very different world..!! [:P]
Great writeup covering all the facets of probably the least talked about of human relationships.
The flow of the article is great & once you start reading, you are transported back in time to all those wonderful memories. keep it up!
"In the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit....." is the way any Christian would start a prayer to God. This only delineates the true connotation of a Father, who can be called the quintessential Almighty or his direct genesis!
Truely, a father is the apotheosis for a cherub till it outgrows its adolescent nature. Even then, the reverence never wanes. The bond only grows impregnable. Manifold ways of thinking only reconciliates a father and son making them the best of freinds. The amity is so uncanny yet robust that a new definition of respect and love is formulated. I totally accede on the fact that fathers are not only a constant provenance of pecuniary needs, but also the underpinning strength of a child, either for making him learn to ambulate or to advice him on a new job! Only a few children can actually follow the footsteps pf their fathers. By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong!!
Nevertheless, a Magnum Opus to be precise! Great inditing, man! Keep up the wonderful-thoughts-put-on-digital-paper regime! ;)
Father! - to God himself we cannot give a holier name.
I recall a saying about father's it says "He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it." I just hope if nothing else I am at least able to follow every footstep of his and not only reach but cross every milestone he has set for me.
Well as far as the write up is concerned its awesome as usual..
Btw another difference between mother's and father's other than the way they show their appreciation for a job "well done", it is the way they handle our mistakes. Mother's at times might let go of it and we might save our a**'s from being spanked but father's always make it a point that their children don't commit the same mistake again, which certainly isn't music to our ears or pleasure for us in any way but certainly helps us in the long run.
Last but not the least,
Not only have you penned down every aspect of this adorable relationship but you have, as well have made me recall tons of memories as i kept reading the post.. ekdum emotional kar diya yaar..
Keep up the good work, cheers!!
Very well written sir.....
Its often said "Maa da laadla" or "mumma's boy" but truly this time its the tale of the invisible thread of love and happiness shared between a father and his son.
Each subsequent line was making me feel the warmth and comfort of his quiet caress.
There's one thing he always tells me which inspires me a lot:
"I dont want you to be known as my child,
I want me to known as your dad ! "
gr8 feelings and gr8 expressions!! Keep it up bro... :)
The trend continues here...another excellent writeup added to the pile...
Lemme share d most funniest incident f my lyf.As a kid I was so impressed wid my dad dat even i tried shaving,Which(nevermind),later on left me wid a swollen chin :D
Yu hav described d father-son relation wid apt simplicity. However,it is quite different wid daughters...here mom nd dad switch places...fathers pamper their gals while mothers try to be strict; but their luv is nevertheless same...
To the parents...a tribute!!!
kp d pen scrolling...waiting for more f such interesting compilations.
Again very well written!!!!!
Father …Hero of our life since childhood. We always try to do the things the way our parents do. U have very well described father-son relationship as I used to see at home. Like everyone says ‘mamma’s boy’ but still their relationship is all the way high.
Many movies captured this relationship, like in DDLJ, by looking at son’s face his father asks about the girl’s name…that’s how their relationship is. But this happens not only in case of sons because daughters are always more close to dad (& mom also) because as my dad say ‘daughters can only understand feelings of parents’.
It’s not like sons can’t, but as everyone says ‘men r not emotional or even if they are, they can’t show their emotions’. That’s why daughters r much close to their dads. Even they want their soul-mate should be like their father. This is only because fathers used to pamper their daughter’s.
And moms are caring, emotional. They can easily express their emotions whenever u achieve or lose something. But as u have written, dads won’t express their emotions like moms. Its not like they r not happy with ur achievement or sad bcoz of ur loss, but I can say dad is the only person in the whole world (than mom also) is happy or sad for u, but he never let u know about his feelings just because he wants u to be more successful than him. He wants to be called a proud father of his son/daughter.
I always thank god for giving me the best parents, because they are the ones who make my life worth and whatever in this life I got, is just becoz of my parents.
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