Sitting in the bus I was looking around if I have any interesting companion as a co-traveller so that a filmy story's seeds may be laid. Lady Luck, who seems to be relishing playing the role of agony aunt on this front, decided the jinx should continue. So I rested back on the seat waiting for the "cleaner/driver/owner/whatever" he was guy to switch on a movie. In the meantime, the decibel levels took off from the launch pad all set to defy the law of physics that light travels faster than sound- it was the chattering of the fellow passengers. The competitiveness appeared as if they have appeard for a reality show- Clamour your way to glamour !!!
So my peace was deliberately trampled upon by these messengers of Satan who found it a defiance of morality to see someone at peace. I decided to scare them with a stare,but their appearence made me decide against it. The next plan of action was to join the bandwagon (ego boss even I wanted my shot to fame to win this nonexistent reality show). So the eyes wandered around to find if there was a soul willing to listen to my wisdom. But noone seemed interested. Vanity had worked hard to climb the stairs of a skyscraper and now it was thrown down from the terrace without slightest of compassion. Then I noticed where the root of the problem was- Vanity found a parachute, honour was resurrected, faith on humanity and its intelligence was restored. What kept the shout wasn't the clout of the fellow companions, they were all instead busy with themselves. The power lay in their hands- the duniya was literally in their mutthi- it was their cellphone.
Sehwag's mother succeeded in motivating him to win a match for the country using the cellphone, Rehman created a new age anthem for the mobiles. The world is not enough for the growing influence of cellphones. Coming back to the crime spot (where there was an attempt to kill my vanity), seeing almost everyone busy with their phones made me draw a mental blank page divided by an imaginary line to illustrate- Before and After. Let me show it to you-
(This is a hypothetical conversation. Any resemblance is purely coincidental)
X:-Hello, My name is X. .
Y(wondering if X's parents didn't love him to keep such a name) .
- Hi there, I'm Y.. I'm an engineer/actor/lawyer/doctor/loser by profession.
What do you do?
X( making sure that he still has the upper hand):- I'm studying life!!!! .
Y thinks with such a name, was X really left with an option??
And the conversation takes off from there.
X(on his phone) :- Hello, Haa this is X here. Can u listen to me?
Y(on her own phone):- Sweetheart I'm sick of listening to you all my life
X:- But I thought we had a deal
Y:- Either that bitch would live or me.
X:- This is extortion.
Y:- I call it emotion
( and the sound mixing continues much to the amusement and fun of onlookers, if there are any)
"Addiction is fatal, but so was monotony, right? So why not get addicted and die". The rod of power is in hands now (no pun intended). Cellphones have spread their empire from the Riches to the wretches. I wonder how this revolution has changed us so much that we just can't resist the temptation to keep our hands busy ( no pun again). Personal wishes have been replaced by texts, grammar has gone for a toss, people don't care to befriend co-passengers ( go back to the crime spot) and we've found a way to keep ourselves busy. This luxury of the past has become an amenity to stay connected. When I was a kid, parents were cautious even to hand me over a glass plate with the fear that I may break it, now parents don't mind handing over expensive cellphones. Change is sweet and delicious only if you are part of the effect cycle and not the necessity one.

I'm a victim myself of this addiction and I believe cellphones would stay- for geeks as a fascinating technology, for majority of people as a means to stay connected, for cynics as only commercial business and for those who don't know which bracket they belong to- for them cellphones would be a mode of amusing experiences.
a great post again ice-man which again relects ur keen sense of observation and ability to find humor in everyday uselessness!
it is strange indeed how even while most people talk over the phone they ensure that the person next to them doesn't miss the important part of the conversation...
newer ideas and experimenting with different styles...way to go iceman!!
The Crusades was a war fought for a Holy Land. The Renaissance was an epic resurrection of culture, education and intellect. The Industrial Revolution was an epoch when man conjured novel benchmarks in agriculture, manufacturing, mining and transport. The Mobile Revolution is unprecedented in no means disparate. It came with a bang - without the apprehension of an unrequited response! The technology was disintered from the abyssmal brain of a scientist in 1908 (whose name people dont even bother to remember!) and in this contemporary world of commodity prices which could spur you to shoot yourelf in the head, we see a paradox (or an irony, perhaps!). From the range of fascists to liberalists; narcissists to sycophants; the aristocratic English Man to the Jew whose ancestors were ravaged and killed in Gas chambers; Warren Buffet to Babloo (the local grocer near my house), every alpha, beta and gamma person has a mobile device in his hand! It was first just Airtel and Vodafone, waltzing into the market and grabbing the crowd, but then we experienced the euphony of the jazz from Reliance, the Pop from Tata and the blues from Aircel mesmerizing their clientele and guzzling on the rest of the pie-chart! The revolution has created history for our country. It has dawned a new frontier for our nation and was one of the cardinal reasons why we stand in the BRIC category.
I loved the introduction! Very jocund, yet meaningful in its own way. The conversation of X and Y was a testimony to the article. Even the picture of the guy being rehabilitated was hillarious! It fits perfectly! I must albeit comment that the mode of writing has shifted its regular course, but who cares! The post was brilliant, and that's what we brazen readers want! Keep up the wonderful endeavor, my friend!
I think it's a great satire on our technology-dependent life! There was a time when cellphones were a status symbol and I feel soon there'll be a day when carrying no mobiles would become a status symbol! :P People get restless if they just forget their cell phones, though its really rare to see this happen because cell phones have become a part of attire today!!
At times I deliberately leave my cellphone at place and move out; which gives a sense of complete freedom! Try it, trust me you'll enjoy!!
Well, for me both your no-pun-intended-statements stand out! simply hilarious! :D
your ability to translate your observations into thoughts and then to perfect words is something I've always admired! another example of my admiration! kudos!! :)
Very well written.. I like the way you use the words.. Cellphones have truly revolutionized our lives, and we belong to the fortunate generation using them at age when we could have used them most. I guess this small piece of technology is a big reason for us to fall in love with gadgets.. In fact, as things are changing faster than ever, you never know when even a mutthi becomes too big to hold a mobile! And then may be we could say, “Le lo duniya fingertips pe!!”
Today cellphone technology is not merely retricted to a device used for voice communication, it has expanded its wings to areas such as multimedia, social networking and slowly but steadily the technology is approaching the day when there will be no differnce whatsoever between a personal computer and a cellphone.
Lately the technology has been nothing short of a nuisance for many, but then every new entrant in our live's (specially the ones we get addicted to) have its pros and cons. Just hoping that soon the day will come when people really start respecting the privacy of others and the technology be used in a more constructive manner.
As for the writeup, again a very well written post, the approach was the same as many of ur previous posts but the style definately different. Loved this one to the hilt. Looking forward to many more such deep insights, keep up the good work. Cheers..
hmmm...good article sir...ur observance is preety gud..and reflects the combination of humour and good imagination...it's really amazing to believe that hw cellphones attract us...u know i land in the category of possessiveness :-)!!..i really cannot stay away from my phone..:)Is it infatuation or love..:)well,jokes apart.nyways krrish nice article keep it up..
cellphone have become the integral part of life whihc cant be changed,every thing is mobile just waiting for more emotions to be mobile though...
nicely written....with a touch of humor make its a good writeup
Great post!
No one can think of living without cellphones. It have become an integral part of our life.
To stay connected with outer world or ur loving ones[ur family]u need a cellphone.
Just imagine a situation when u r not allowed to keep ur phones wid u for almost a week.. u might think that u can't live in that situation..
Here m sharing my own experiance, just try it once and u learn to live full of life. No one is going to die without cellphone..
That would be the best days of ur life.. i can say this because this vl make ur relationship [wid all u talked for hours daily] much stronger.. u vl be knowing the importance of ur loving ones in ur life..
just try it once & see how it changes ur way of living life...
Nicely written!!!
keep it up :)
good one re...the first was too political so leaving comment on this one...extremely nice....really good observation.........keep going....
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