"Is brahmaand ka ek ansh hai ye sansaar ye dharati ye dhara ye prithvi.
Isamein jivankarta paalankarta aur sangharkarta ko bhagvan ishwar aur parmaatma ya vishwatma kehate hain.
Par hamaari ye kahani us ishwar ya bhagvaan ki nahi is vishwa mein aayi huyi un aatmayon ki hai jo parmaatma ka ek ansh hain.
Aur wo ansh jivaatma ka roop lekar dharati par aata hai to manushya kehalaata hain."
But is it a Manushya whom we're talking about here??? Lets evaluate - He's the only guy i've met in person who can lose weight drastically and the unceasing process has become a liability now than an asset making him the perfect choice to play Christian Bale's part in hindi version of "The Machinist." He is one of the rarest species on this planet who doesnt like chocolates.
He is a phenomenal blabbering machine who can give Usain Bolt, Schumi or Lance Armstrong a run for their money in terms of speed, u just need to raise a controversial toast and then sit back and enjoy the show for the guy would take the conversation( maybe even a monologue) to a different terrain.
He has watched movies- left, right and centre and the plight now is that the entire world industry is finding it difficult to keep up pace with this consumer's requirements. He can learn the uncanniest of dialogues in movies and can use them in the most wierdest of situations to exude awe(tho disgust at times :P :D) amongst his listeners.There have been analogies in real life as well based on the reel life Maverick -Iceman, Vegetta- Kakarott and The Great Danton- The Professor to identify and appreciate not only his love for the movies, but the sheer living of onscreen feasts.
He enjoys quite a unique style of humour( Read:- Not funny :P) that pretty much leaves him in splits with the others left ruminating over how to get over it.
He is outrageously in love with the dubbed versions of South Indian Cinema with a special penchant for telugu cinema's demi gods Mega Star Chiranjeevi and Power Star Pawan Kalyan( pronounced as Pawn kalyan by this gentleman). He will repeat those stupid cheesy dubbed lines and go gaga for hours over how macho these action scenes are. In short his taste in movies covers the entire gamut from the ubiquitously renowned classics to the full-on mass appeal masala potboilers. Off late , the love for these masala movies has added a new dimension with mad recitation of the most preposterous( yet amazingly melodious) movie songs, a trait we've fallen prey to and even the streets of nagpur witnessed it when they were sung in loud cacophony by the two of us.
A person who does believe that Hitler was correct in many of his actions and also propogates him; his modern day heroes also include the likes of Nadal and Ganguly( ahem ahem.. for the latter). We seem to be always supporting the different guys, maybe reflective more of the characteristic traits. He loves the flamboyant and rebellious Nadal, Ganguly whereas my support lies with the more consummate artists Federer and Dravid. This has led to myriad discussions, criticisms and banter amongst us, of course this is just one of the issues amongst many.We have debated and literally fought over almost every issue on the planet and conclusive or inconclusive, this has led to fabulous value addition in ideas. One of the issues where we do mellow down is the entire issue of "Mythilogy and Idol Worship" !!!! That eases off the animosity of the conversation and brings a more subtle approach.
So ladies and Gentleman, he's a maverick to the core- the one who hates to follow the tested paths and wants to tread into alien territories( dont get into why, what, how). Makes tonnes of friends, keeps them, pampers them(girls take notice). He's quite a gentleman with the ladies and I've been lambasted by a common friend to learn this trait.
He's quite a charmer with the fairer sex and his boyish persona is quite popular amongst them and this has earned him quite a few admirers.
There have been many instances where he led from the front and did make an exciting journey. The Times CEB venture, his idea of the GD club, his fantastic service for FFC are just a few of the illustrations out of a list of many where this guy has never shied away from doing something different. As it is famously said that leadership qualities cant be inculcated but are present in you or not- this guy surely does have oodles of that. Confidence, spontaneity, powerhouse dynamism, bohemia are just few of the characteristic traits that define him. I see more paraphernalia being added in the future that would make the arsenel more ready to fight like a spartan against the mightiest of oppositions.
By the way he's very "helpful" as a person, he has been really helping to all of us since long. We all appreciate the fact as to how much helpful he has been. though he modestly refuses to acknowledge it, i use this platform to say this.. if there is just one word that defines Karan the person, it is - "HELPFUL". In the past four years, being friends wit him has also made me acquainted to one of the universal truths of life that -"Karan is always right". Its like a gospel that all of you must remember if you interact with him. No matter what the topic is, no matter how much you know about it, no matter if every other aspect condradicts this dictum, just remember this doctrine- 'Karan is always right". These are pearls of wisdom ladies and gentlemen, if you follow it, the chances of you getting successful exponentially rise.
A person who doesnt try to be moderate in his opinion about issues, a trait aptly reflected in his writing style. His blog www.maverick-kj.blogspot.com comes up with pertinent and thought provoking articles that do leave you with things to contemplate over for sure. It is ostensible in there that he not only thinks when he writes, he also feels for the issues. He believes in having this no holds bar thing in expression style and moderation is a sin for him.
Now coming to our friendship, its been quite a story. We are two different personalities altogether, sharing very limited characteristic traits(maybe none). We hardly talked in the first year of college and it actually took a group discussion club to bridge in the gap for madness to follow. Since then, there has been no looking back. Classic case of respecting the differences and appreciation of talent has been one of the cornerstones. Have been teams in various competitions and to good effect as well . THe KJ's have been quite an eventful duo so far.
Since the gentleman for whom this post is dedicated hates to read long blog entries, so I'd rather cut it short. On this day of his birthday in this very crucial year of life, I wish him the best of success. He dreams big, like the Karan Johar larger than life movies without throwing out RGV's realistic approach out of the window. That is a dynamite combo and m sure it'd take him places.
The world awaits to be conquered. This epitome of Corporate Social Professional would be a much sought after people in the times to come. Wishing you a gr8 life ahead. Let's all get together in wishing Maverick the best in life - Happy Birthday Pal !!!!
thanx a ton man!!
senti kar diya tune dost...
by far the best write up 've ever read!!
Awww So Superb Post for such a superb person :) . I have had nice experience with Karan Sir. Met this person who sat besides me in a Debate , whereas i was tensed , there was this guy who did not even care where he was. He was who he was and that is what Karan Sir has taught me , Be who you are no matter wherever you are. Period
Second Year was an eventful year where I got to know more of him. A Smile to set all right , Helpful person < add some more nicey nicey adjectives >
However the event ended on a happy note and I got to learn a lot , all from Karan Sir :D
The thing about Karan Sir , that i like the most is he does not give long lectures like the Intellect ( although i like that too ) Short and Sweet Advices from him :)that's it
and how can i forget the helpful adjective , ready to help you , a quality very few people possess today :)
Enuff with all the blah blah stuff
No matter what happens "Karan Sir is always right " , YEs and that is the universal law , that cannot be ever broken or defied
A Big Happy Budday to The Maverick , The Fitiyal , The President ( Ex :P ) Karan Jhamb :)
thnx a lot dude!!
it's vegeta bhai!!
nd i spell it as KJ'z :P
Baap re baap ...main to Karan sir ko jaanta hi nahi tha.!!!!!
Aap to "dynamite" ho sirjee.!!!!!!
Ek baar fir se...happy haapy waala b'day to you.!!!!
sahi hai bidu ... 1 no ... mahol ..
Awesome dude.... Simply Mindblowing... Long live Maverick and the Iceman
hey...dis was da best yu cud do for karan on his b'day...luvly write up...excellently made...
on his b'day " A toast to Karan"...
kp blogging!!!
kafi kucch exageratted hai dude!!
thnx 1ce again :)
mere dost thnx!!
i agree by far the best write up e1 've ever read....the entire matching thingy was so cool!!
@pagal fakir
pura padke toh comment kar :P
long live dono ko bola bey....
Happy Birthday my Half-pant Dost!!!!!
TO keep it Simple and True:"karan is always Right!!!!!"
That's truly what Karan is...
"A helpful Maverick who is always right !!"
From Aryans:
We've been friends since school days and know how he has grown from a quite person into a barrel of RDX... ready to xplode for the betterment of his well-wishers...
During XI-XII, our Vice-Principal used to say "Karan is an inexhaustible source of energy... has a live wire running through his spine"
Nice biography Iceman...
Keep it up !!!
@pagal fakir
wohi toh be....saale b'day mera tha!!
yahan bhi baja tu!!
thanx a lot man...tu hi mera dost hai!!
i didnt kno abt karan sir this much.. it was awesome.. !!
i must say.. a rily great guy..
full of life... i kno his enthusiasm in every event of coll.. be it forum or GD.. he was and will b always our inspiration..
thanks sir for teaching us how to talk..debates n all..!!
Happy Birthday!!
“ You were good.” We said it together and we said it to each other. Irrespective of what the teacher opined , this line is what we uttered in unison after an interesting case study exercise. After that the saga continued with him trying to be friends with a pretty n intellectual chick( that’s me) and me trying not to be rude with a guy who owned an awesome bike!! (hehehehee) KK , I am chipping in my side of the story with KJ with the help of different traits of his emerging in each para. KJ, this one is for you !!
Para 2 : Where does the food go? He is a Punjabi for God’s sake!! He is not supposed to be this lanky…it’s against the law of nature!! There are times I feel guilty of consuming the sweet ( although most of the time it’s a selfless act ..I save place for other food stuffs in the fridge..why let the sweet box occupy space?? It’s my way of paying gratitude to food items I dislike by making room for them in d fridge.Also you live only once and other such idioms add to the temptation and make it feel absolutely right!! ) which seemed perfect even after an already overfed lunch, after looking at him. To top it all, he has a pretty descent height too. Claims to hate chocolates but will not refuse them when offered even if he doesn’t intend to have them. In fact will even go to an extent of grabbing other mortal’s share too if they show the slightest disinterest. So lanky and tall…he has it all !!
Para 3 : Manoj Kumar will adopt him , the moment he meets Karan. Bashing NRI’s is one of his fav. Things to do. Wrecks up real interesting topics. Very commercial. Something that everyone can have a good n engaging discussion on. His point of views have a firm base. His wisdom is not borrowed . In a debate, usually there comes a stage when one feels that everyone is entitled to his/her opinion so what’s the point in discussing. This guy over hear has the rare energy and potential to continue beyond this stage. Not that he is stubborn but sometimes it can turn into a heated discussion when the other person is also an “intellectual” arguing with him at a coffee place :P. He certainly has a way with words…which reminds you how miserable you were with surds!!
Para 4 : A complete movie buff and a sucker for good lines ( just like me!!) Will mug up lines mindlessly ( even if he doesn’t get them..coz they sounded cool ) and will rant them by creating a situation that will cause the onset of the lines. Other way is using them even if they don’t fit in the situation but makes it sound so convincing that you cannot question its validity. He has plentiful of histrionic enzymes…it’s with impeccable panache the way he mimes !!
Para 5 & 6: Finds great pleasure in calling me “ chauthi fail” . will crack jokes, appreciate it and laugh on it too…….all by himself :P Tries to mock the way I laugh but dude you fail horribly at that. Most of the time I fail to hear half of his words and thus end up with a puzzled look after he is done with his joke. At such times, I know he feel like banging his head on the wall n that makes me laugh.hehehheee. If I could hear the entire joke , you might have expected an appreciating laugh….but since I have hearing probs. Gustakhi maaf !! :p
Para 7: He JUST HAS TO KNOW. If he is interested in the topic of discussion but happened to miss out on its initial content, he will force you to dish him d details. Nothing superficial for this guy. If he really develops a liking for a person(protean figures of different guilds)or topic , he will make sure he knows inside out about them/ it. He is one of the rare species who remember both the flavor and ingredients if he likes the food. Curiosity well balanced with the passion to know….will perfectly flaunt the knowledge in a conversational show !!
Para 8: very well mannered and well brought up. A perfect gentleman and can easily sweep the gals of their feet which is oozing – casual – charm. Will offer to rescue your vehicle when it’s miserably stuck in a melee of other miserable vehicle brutes. Has the power to easily lift even the heaviest of bikes so don’t be fooled with the look of only bones and no flesh. He even offers to help you with your vehicle even when if it not stuck,….but you just have to be a gal for this special offer. Alas, in my case this pampering did not last long. Sometimes being the coolest of buddies can be a disadvantage too. Damn, why are we good friends? Now all I get is…” mummy mummy mat kar ,chauthi fail.” He’ll fight the dragon as long as you are the damsel in sight…but once the damsel becomes “just a good friend” he re-channelizes his might and its your plight!!
Rest of the Paras: I don’t know much about his valor displayed in different arenas during college days but from what I hear…he seems to be a cynosure for sure.His rakish conduct ( sample the coolest view of a guy with spectacular shades mounted on a super cool bike making his way effortlessly ) seems an inveterate trait.You can count on him when you know you are in deepest of shit. He has been an absorber of my mood swings but the best part is ..he lets you know what he thinks about the situation even if you are not ready to hear it. Claims to be able to read people. Sometimes he does succeed, which is freaky.Has perfect leadership skills….carries an attitude which reads…don’t just sit and complain…go find a way if you want it that bad !! His spirit is unmatchable and untouchable and maybe that’s why its so free and untainted.He’s an awesome buddy and one of the people I would like to stay in touch ( considering I get bored of people real soon ..take is as a huge compliment). Moments spent with u n KK seem like a joy ride.I have started valuing money all d more after I have met you KJ.hehehe. Wish you all the very best in life and beyond. Cheers to our friendship!!
thank you so much yaar!!
and the spelling shld be here and not hear in para 3 chauthi fail :P
aur kya rhymes likhe hain...wah wah...wah wah... kya likha hai...matllab alfaaaz nahi mil rahe taareef ke liye...matlab kya batau DC... matlab kamaal hi kar diya... matlab aap soch kaise lete ho aise.. matlab subhaan allah"
:P :P
you have gotta be kidding me...this is all for u karan??? when did u become a celebrity?? as sweet a friend as you are to me i am in shock :P
nehow i love ya and u really are one of my sweetest friends...
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