The knowledge wave as described by Alvin Toffler is a testimony to the burgeoning information and intelligence around us. But it has its by product in the form of people having an opinion about everything(which i assume is their prerogative in a way). So we have the intelligentsia and the esoteric, always ready to pass critique on a gamut of issues, the most favorite of which is - Our country is heading towards murky waters. Now this intelligentsia is a smorgasbord of academicians,experts of varied professions; people who've been there and done that.I wonder that does experience breed pessimism and make people naysayer or is it just that the reality check has taught them to play it safe??Everyone's heart suggests that life is meant to be good to them, maybe their experience suggested otherwise.
Maybe this is the difference in the way a 21 yr old thinks and a person who has seen more of this world thinks.No doubt we have impending impediments to deal with, but the 21 yr old in me still sees light on the other side of the tunnel.
What we're talking about is neither Utopia nor Dystopia(if they can ever exist that is); what we talk about is India. "Koi desh perfect nahi hota, use perfect banaana padtaa hai."
The gravity doesnt lie in where we stand right now, but instead in where we're heading.I see us heading in the right direction, though the peregrination is slow.We've travelled from being called the land of snake charmers and rope tricks to being described as the digital housekeepers of the world(Still A parochial definition ).
We provide a service, the world wants what we have and they want the best. We're in business together,so lets stop getting judgemental about it. The world has become an inextricable knot where interdependence is indispensible.we are no more the electrons revolving around, instead we're part of the nucleus oozing out positive charge.
We're no more lackadaisical avoiding work surreptitiously wearing the cloak of socialism.The Graffiti has spelt the need of the hour- U want to subsist,then U got to deliver. THe change is conspicuous and the world is taking notice. Never before have Indian Professionals been so good at multitasking and never before have we seen the number of employment generators ameliorating at this rate( Read Rashmi bansal's "stay Hungry Stay Foolish"). I think we're heading towards the right balance of the bracket of people where they know what they want and since they are the prime movers of any society, i wont even bother about the nebulous ones.
We question the Govt's role in their policies. But when our Finance Minister gives a budget favoring the aam aadmi, the corporate half cries out loud for lack of reforms and the same happens vice versa when it is pro industry. I'd not like to blame the Government, if we ourselves are so manipulative(Jugaadu)that we find novel ways of mending the laws.
So if the govt. gives 50% grant to infrastructural projects concatenated by 20% by state govt., my city's municipal corporation fails to raise even 30% of the amount and the entire project of Urban Development is scrapped. Why should i blame the Govt. for that??
Our condition is not as bad as Gotham for something elemental to come up and rescue us;what we need is a cabal of people like Michael Mukherjee(Yuva) or Mohan Bhargava(Swades) to take up the mantle and drive the change. We've gentlemen like Arvind Kejriwal and Anand Kumar, seeing whom i dont consider my optimism as fatuous. Never before have i seen non-profit seeking ngo's in such a large number to serve for a purpose.The wheel is rolling for sure.
But like i mentioned,We're no Utopia.We still have people fighting to get their basic rights- a woman fighting for dignity after opting for a divorce,homosexuals fighting for dignity after the law against them has been revoked. For them jurisdication is just a part of the entire panorama; its the attitude of the ones around, that'd give them the confidence of being egalitarian.
We've the problem of the original termite of any system, THE MIDDLE MAN. This bridge between the Govt and the common man has myriad chinks and hence when funds want to cross this bridge, they succumb to the chinks falling straight into the ravine of Middle man's pockets.
This is precisely why i wont compare us to Japan or Germany who made progress like a juggernaut after being annihilated so brutally. Corruption persists there as well, the only difference is people there who ask for bribes do the needful after that. But we being what we are, we take bribes and still won't work.Proud to be a democracy!!!!
But i still see optimism at the end of the tunnel,i still envisage a new dawn at the horizon.I see the burgeoning Purchasing Power Parity of the middle class; who likes to spend the weekend in a mall,watch movie in a multiplex and enjoy a meal at a
fancy restaurant. This is a reflection that something positive has struck this land. I see class consciousness as a very positive facet which i believe would promote Darwin's postulates. We may still be hypocrites on many aspects:we still have inequality, we still have people below BPL starving to death, we still have farmers committing suicides,we still have domestic violence; but it was never prognosticated that the change would be made overnight, it was never prophesized that i'd wake up from a dream and i'd see that in tangibility. Reforms take time, they need dynamism, they need unity, they need cognizance.
But Maybe this is the difference in the way a 21 yr old thinks and a person who has seen more of this world thinks. I like to see the light at the end of the tunnel ,but the one who got a reality check would simply say " Goddamn!!! u first need to get out of the quagmire u're in,to reach there."
Maybe Syncretism of these ideas is the solution. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what u're gonna get.The anomaly exists, but at the end of it all if you've earned it, u're going to savor the entire box of chocolates.
Hats off to you boss... First of all a great write up as usual so keep it up.. I liked this one in particular because you have finally spoken about something positive. Lol. :)
Well I am another 21 yr old who see's light at the end of the tunnel... Everything you said right from the importance of the role of India, as a global player, to the changing facet of the middle class, all point to only one direction, the whell is not only moving but is revolving at speed tat one could ever imagine.
You mentioned a dialouge from the movie RDB.. "Koi desh perfect nahi hota, usse perfect banana padta hai". The character Ft. Lt. Ajay Rathod played by R.Mhadevan was the one who said this. Wat was peculiar about this character in the movie was that he was a true patriot to the core, but with it he was a young man speaking about change which was something rare to see at that time..(Proven by the fact that all the other characters (part of the youth force) of the movie only talked of the bad politics and the fact that nothing will change, and one can hardly do anything about it). But now the senario has changed, the uber cool crowd of India do think that change can be bought if we strive for it. Many already have set themselves to motion. Which can be seen everywhere, right from politics to social service to the high posts of a company. India now certainly understands the need and importance of this youth force. Yeah there are loop holes around but then as mentioned they are everywhere, we just need to find a way out.. and that we will. May be we are being very optimistic about it, but then thats how it should be i guess.
Light at the end of the tunnel.....light at the end of the tunnel..... Are you sure it's not an incoming train????
Not really.. we may not be at par with wisdom as the esoteric presumes, but the common sense still is in tact.
well...tat topic seemed a bit complicated to me.bt only after i read it,tat it made complete sense to me..This blog stands apart from the rest because u finally see light at the end of the tunnel:)i have always seen you being positive towards life..n i always wanted to read something that showed ur perspective of looking at life...i agree v hav issues in life.bt tat does nt mean v shud stop looking at the brighter side of life...n i beleive every human has something or the other to contribute towards humanity.its on how capable you see yourself...n tats the way of life...good job krish...i like ur way of conveying such meaningful messages...
well done...i can only pray that the generation which is claiming to head in the write direction will spawn more people interested in working rather than talking...
And yes...we understdood you are 21you need not mention it again and again :P
Again Brilliant work!!!!!
India: “Utopia or Dystopia”
Differs the way one think.. Its like a dream to every Indian..
Our country is heading towards, the light, on the other side of the tunnel. The one who spent more of his life like ‘aam aadmi’ is the witness of the changes occurred in past decades.. But still he is not much confident because its like ’A burnt child dreads the fire’..
Everyone wants everything to be perfect in his life and for that he can do anything.
And if something goes wrong, he started blaming all the things related to it, whatever may be the reason of failure..
It just because every person thinks of his own and if anyone thinks beyond then he will become like Michael Mukherjee(Yuva) or Mohan Bhargava(Swades)..
And when people start thinking beyond their own, it will definitely help to cross this tunnel & see India Shining.
Well,dis time yu 've picked a topic dat's quite close to my heart nd justified it in a way dat nobdy cud do.
I do agree wid yu dat India,is,actually rising...We r d youngistanis nd d future of India lies in our hands ofcourse.We can't jst sit back nd let a few avaricious ppl let our country down! yes,der's dis poverty,corruption,superstition...
blah blah blah...bt wid a positive attitude,we must pledge towards bolstering d pillars of our MATRABHOOMI.
We're already half way across it...Today India has secured a respective position for itself among d others.No sooner will we see India in d list of highly developed countries.
Together we can nd together we will...JAI HIND!!!
Nice one.......... But in todays world its allways for some time you have that patriotic feeling comes to you and vanishes after at the time of doing something....being practical i think we all love our nation but the thing is to serve the nation ......
Bribing a traffic police officer for 100rs is not a denying your nation until you make it for it somewhere else ......... we all love our nation and we will till our last breath and try our best to make it stand as the strongest in the world ......jai hind ......Keep writing like this...
well done krrish.. love the post.. too much of an editorial like topic it looks.. waise gud to read something positive about india after a long time..
finally someone looking at the brighter side of the billet..
first of all.. very safe choice of topic to write about.. no question of fingers raising on this one...:P
The content was as usual very well put together.. The post as a whole is very interesting to read.. the way u've used the film dialogues, the way u've related film characters was really good..
the analogy with nucleus n electrons ws outstanding..
every other part was equally good to read..
well done..
u r a pro... keep posting..
it's always a pleasure to read..:)
waise the 21 yr old obviously is u.. but is there any particular person u r referring to when u say 'a person who has seen more'??
Kids ( 21 yr olds like us included too) believe that if the water bottle changes then the taste of the water also changes.Elders say this old world still looks the same just another frame.Eventually both have faith in what they believe.
I think the power of imagination(ultimately painting phantasmagorical hues of a better world,the resistance offered to gulping down the bitter medicine of despair without a fight)was given to us to compensate for what we lack and a sense of humor(for those whose imagination bubble popped long back) was given to deal with what we have.Kids have the imagination and the elders the sense of humor.Both cannot be incarcenated for their opinions.The resistance for the latter has slowly decreased with time n with too much of current in that time span.The former has high resistance because it still hasn't witnessed large inflow of current.
I have always wondered why super heroes like Spiderman/Batman/Superman/James Bond etc who save the world refuse to grow old.Why people who device their super kewl gadgets to fight the evil always older people eg Alfred Pennyworth for Batman,Q n M for J.Bond,Dumbledore for Harry Potter.Even the desi version of Chacha Ch. n Sabu although with reversed roles.A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.It's here where the experienced can provide him with patience and direction.A union,a blend is needed.
It was the refusal to stay on ground that made the bird fly!!
I absolutely love the issues you wreck up each time and your incorrigible stand on what on you think.Makes me say proudly "There is hardly anything that Krishna'can't' do!!" .cheers!!
Great job dude, I appreciate your positive and constrictive approach. I will not hesitate to compare you with our former president APJ Abdul Kalam; I think the title of this article could have been “Krishna Ki Udan”. Hope is so powerful and celestial that it can overcome all kind of problems. As you mentioned “I like to see the light at the end of the tunnel”, I personally think that every Indian must like to see light at the end of the tunnel. This is the light which seeks friend in enemy, positive in negative, independence in dependence, water in desert, lotus in dirty water, patience in power and silence in secret. If we want to develop our country then we have to develop our minds, we need more people like you who can lead the country and can make a big positive difference.
A gr8 job done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it truly gives the difference between "what a 21 yr old thinks and what a person with a quantum of experience"...
A very positive approach...... n hopefully it will spark the ignition within at least a few to stand up and "zimmedari uthao is system ko badalne ki"...............
well no doubt bro....you always have a way of puuting your thoughts ...
u want me 2 continue??
Well then, as I sit down here to key in my views regarding dis post, I wish to be a bit partial. I will, with particular reason in mind; not touch upon, all the issues mentioned here(not just bcoz you have validated evry opinion of yours with well grounded arguments and unexpired rationalities leaving little to debate about) but bcoz my freedom and my right to expression and ofcourse my sensibilities(lol) tempt me to air my views over the ever burgeoning middle class. Is the middle classs realy prospering or is it just the redistribution of poverty that is creating a chimerical effect on the economists' desk. Well I equivocate on both fronts. Only if I had the stats to prove my point, India has d lowest figures amongst the BARC countries with respect to d percentage of peopl categorized under middle class. Though surprisingly d numbers r growing too fast to believe in. But this does not validate my point of view. We r grouped under the barc countries not on d basis of our current figures but on d basis of our growth rates. Brazil, russia and china have more than 85% of their population literate, nd our standing is near 60 in d same context, our GDP is nearly half of China, our per-capita incom is less than any of the countries I mention, nd yet v stand head-to head with thez countries, I ask why?? jus bcoz our growth numbers overshadow the existing ground realities. The recession hs not yet affected our growth figures to d extent of changing it signs, though the remaining countries r reporting negative growth figueres, our litercy rate is growing at rates nevr heard of elsewhere, d numbr of billionaires in india is growing at an unprecedent rate. In simple terms, it is bettr to have a 500% continuous growth over ur Rs. 100 per month income than a stagnant Rs. 500 monthly cheque. This is where India shines, our resources r less, but v r increasing our ability to tap into thez resources. This is the reason I assign to optimism sweeping across the country, let dis confidence and self belive be d drivers of d economy, let, may v continue to weave more success stories nd prove our critics wrong, though INCLUSIVENESS will determine our success rate, if v can carry every1 along successfully, we have more than done the job. All d gud luck to india, nd may our wishes come true.
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