Sunday, January 25, 2009

THe Shawshank Redemption- A look within

What's CINEMA? To me, cinema is a platform to see a reflection of me and my thoughts presented in a creative way. There are billions like me, who may think likewise. That's what makes the art of making movies a challenge and an equally exciting job.There are movies we just watch,enjoy and forget, some arent even worth wasting thoughts or words on, but some stay with us. Some force us to do something which we all hate in a way but if done with honesty transforms our lives-INTROSPECTION. Referring to "The Shawashank Redemption" only as a movie would be like to imagine a heart without a soul,a dawn without sunrise or a mind without thoughts.Its not just a movie, its an experience in itself. Its a kaleidoscope of the emotions that we feel and a true epitome of the power of hope in life.

Its not a regular run of the mill potboiler, or a candyfloss chick flick.Its a movie that poses a question; a question that's so strong that it rips through your heart and compels you to find an answer from deep down within yourself. A question about life, a question about hope, a question whether one should be docile and accept what's forced upon us or whether to fight back with persistance. Its a movie that highlights a different kind of EQ- a term i would like to refer as Endurance Quotient. How long can you go on taking the pain, how long can you keep the small ray of hope shining against the maelstrom of malafide, how long do you live a life of purpose before being a dead soul in an alive body. The answers to these lie in this magnum opus.

I'm not going to focus on the story of the movie. For me what i construed out of it and what i took as an experience is more important.The protagonist Andy Dufresne came out as a person who belonged to a rare species. THe characteristic traits he possessed are rarely seen in people, but the ones who've them incorporated in their DNA, turn out to be the ones whose life have substance and relevance. THe guy was convicted for a crime he never did(revealed later in the movie), he was forced to live amongst goons and murderers who were poles apart from his life of a hotshot banker, he was assaulted- mentally,physically and sexually.But he wasnt bogged down.His immaculate persistence and his belief in HOPE kept the fire in the belly going even though he stayed placid and rock solid on the outer facade.

He made friends with Red(Morgan Freeman:unparalleled as ever) and other prisoner mates and slowly but steadily instilled hope in them and gave them moments to cherish. Fancy the scene where he gets them all chilled beer by helping Captain Hadley with his finance conundrum, or the one where he plays a classic music piece on the loudspeaker for everyone to have that one moment of ecstasy in a life of mundane suffering. Be it efforts to get the library facilities improved or be it his attempts to get tommy to pass the exam, Andy came as a person of distinct patience and will.Someone who breaks the misconception that you need to be happy go lucky and all sanguine to be a people's person.His escape is a mark of excellence, as Morgan's voiceover puts it "He crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side". Andy epitomizes a perfect example of someone who cant be confined in any form of the matter." Some birds aren't meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright" .

Shawshank presents a very strong issue of being INSTITUTIONALIZED. The sequence when Brooks moves out after spending close to 50 yrs in the prison, the hardships he faces, the way he feels as a prisoner in a free world; the one who's expendible, one who has no purpose to wake up every morning. He finally succumbs to it and hangs himself. The sequence presents a grim yet a true picture of how one ,if forced to leave an accustomed zone; no matter how harsh it is,can fall like a pack of cards. They just cant get over the phobia of leaving their own little world of comfort, in short they get institutionalized.

Red faces the same imbroglio when set free, and he feels the same claustrophobia in the open spaces, the only difference is the ray of hope instilled in him by his friend Andy, not to give up. This little food for thought strengthens him to move on with a sense of purpose and to believe that 'Hope is not a dangerous thing'.

The last 15-20 minutes of the movie leave you spellbound. You just cant get over the experience you witness during this period. The brilliant escape of Andy from the prison, and the unveiling of his plan which took him 20 yrs to be implemented. It showcased the extreme levels of patience, endurance, power of being a sangfroid, and never say die attitude. These are some of the most powerful moments that cinema can ever offer.

The movie has spectacular performances, each frame outperforming the one before. But for me, its MOrgan Freeman's subtle performance that stands out. THe way during the entire movie, his voice over keeps the cadence flowing, is exemplary. It infused life into the movie that made it an unforgettable experience

THe Shawshank Redemption is a masterpiece and is a must watch.One gains a lot out of it apart from entertainment. And it gives us a sound advice that can be emulated throughtout our lives. So in times of despair,or in any situation of grim dilemma, just recall the message of the movie- "Fear sets you prisoner, Hope sets you free". You'll find the answer.


Karan said...

xcellent...i have 2 agree that the movie is one of the best i've ever seen..i liked your description of people being institutionalized...
i think all every wants is a routine and if that routine or so to say life-style were flipped...the effects will b disastrous as portrayed by the film..

a must watch indeed...

Geek God said...

Excellent post

Loved the movie . even i liked the word institutionalized..

The movie left me with tears rolling down my cheeks and also gave me the morale to continue my work with more vigor

Thanks for recommending the movie

vidya said...

The way you have interpreted the movie is worth appreciation..very well written..