why mba?
Master Of Business Administration. Well the term brings about a wide spectrum of reactions.Oops is it not something every second guy i meet, keeps blabbering about? I guess it is.Well believe it or not, MBA is the in thing folks. Its got the punch,its got the respect,its got the glamour and its got the moolah. What else can you ask for. Well the answer is pretty simple - MORE.
ok enough of the Alice's wonderland talk, lets take a reality check. What is MBA and why is there so much hullabuloo over it in the entire student community, no matter which part of the country or the world you go. Well lets take each word of this crucial abbrevation individually. Business is a worldwide phenomenon where people enter into ventures to generate revenues, employment and satisfaction to each one connected with them. So the person getting into a business has a grave responsibility on him/her. Then comes the pivotal issue of administration- well its a paragon of responsibility where a person has to take care of every facet concerned with running a business- managing people, revenues, resources, market, and create the best possible scenario to run that business.Hmmmm....that sounds even more grave. But the best and the toughest part comes with the first word in this entire term i.e. "Master". The person needs to be a master of all that is expected to run a business and making it a point that the business runs effectively.To put forth in simple terms, thats the job of an MBA. As Management Guru Peter F. Drucker put it in a brilliant way," A manager needs to be efficient as well as effective. Efficiency is doing the right things and effectiveness means getting the right things done."
So ladies and gentleman, guys and dames,its not just about some honeymoon period of your life where you'd just get in,rack your brain for a while and an angel would come in front of you with a gift box carrying a whopping salary check. If that's what has been your idea of MBA till now, i'm sorry to do this but "Good Morning, wake up folks, the dreamy Lalaland station has gone by, welcome to reality junction." The point i'm trying to make is pretty simple and candid, MBA is about cutting off your rough edges to make you a diamond who is ready to take on the world by storm. Its a huge task and involves tremendous efforts and panache, but believe me guys the perks are worth the effort.
Enough of the scary stuff, let's now look at WHY MBA??? Exactly what lies in it which makes it a much sort after and lucrative career option??
with the increase in tooth sweating competition, it has become essential for every individual to inculcate some basic elementary qualities in himself/herself to work/compete with the best of the best in the corporate sector. MBA, as a course gives you a formal training and grooming module, which creates a sense of deja vu of the real world in your minds, thus preparing you for the kind of goody goody stuff in store for you ( Like you believe that????). Well some part of it is goody goody, so relax.
There are people with different aspirations, some are looking for a secure job with challenges at work place while some take it a step ahead to venture into the danger zone of entrepreneurship. TO put up an enterprise of one's own, having a winning idea that may be revolutionary in itself, is just a beginning. To bring out that idea in the real world, pursuing that venture and aspiring to gain revenues out of it requires brilliance in business aptitude as well. Now MBA gives you a platform to understand the nitty gritties of everything in nexus of business. Thus it opens up doors of a new world of opportunities, resources,challenges and obviously tremendous satisfaction.
Another important requirement at work places is the ability to make decisions- sometimes small ones, sometimes grave ones and sometimes revolutionary ones. Thus its mandatory for a person to be well versed with the pros and cons of the status quo, the ability to deal with people of varying IQ'S, temperaments and work capabilities. Now to make a decision taking all these scenarios together is no joke. Apart from inner strength, it requires sound knowledge to appraise the decision's gravity and then to come out with the most suitable alternative. That's precisely what i meant when stressed on the term "MASTER". MBA offers you the ambience and the required ammunition to become good enough to encounter and combat the enemies. As goes in the Stallone blockbuster Rocky series," Its something for which you need THE EYE OF THE TIGER and A BURNING HEART because believe me THERE IS NO EASY WAY OUT, so once your HEART'S ON FIRE just do one thing, GO FOR IT."
Getting down to the Indian scenario, India is in a condition where it requires more employment generators as compared to employment seekers.MBA offers you the arsenal to face the indispensible cruel times of entrepreurship. thus its the managers who're actually making this society a better place to live in by generating employment, optimum utilization of resources, making people work congenially in groups, and with these small battles, they help to win wars like unemployment, poverty, corruption and make the Indian economy strengthen the momentum it has picked up.
Another important topic that MBA deals with is that in this era of globalization where the world has become a small place, it has become an additional asset for a professional to have a good understanding of the global market, the global requirements and its solutions. Thus what we're looking at in the future is it more number of Indians global in stature, but local at heart. Now how does that sound....i'm sure alluring.
So to put it in a nutshell, mba may not give you the key to every lock, but it'd make you a good enough locksmith to have more keys for different locks. So what are you waiting for, you know the door, you knpow how to get the key, and with that key how to open the locks. So dont wait anymore and just MAKE THE MOVE.
1 comment:
Very much true indeed is the fact that these three letters together - MBA; enjoy far more respect, dignity and glamour than any other professional degree(may be this because it has been publicized as a qualification that guarantees fast money making) But the ignominy of this profession, as has been till date with other professions like engineering, is that it is heading towards saturation. It is heading towards a time when every tom, dick and Harry will boast about his credentials of being an excellent manager, just because he has a piece of paper that certifies he has learned the nuances of business. It is heading towards a state that will have everyone ready to manage, but nothing to be managed at all(especially referring to HR management) May be somewhere down the line, we may have people with so much theoretical knowledge that their heads may be already full to learn anything practical. Enough of may be, and enough of my future predictions……but then…… I wish to know, among the tatas, birlas and all those great visionaries who charted the growth story of industrialization and modernization in India; did they rely on a MBA?? Another classic example is our dear Mr. Bill Gates, who during his prime was the richest person on this planet; and anchored the success story of Microsoft, well how did he make all this happen?? He was a quick learner. He employed his experience and worked on his shortcomings. And this paid him in the long run. Is it just because people, in this fast changing world, are not patient enough to accept experience as their teachers. Do they want that someone comes and feeds them with a bowl full of experience in two small years. Am sure with such food habits, they are heading towards indigestion and disorders of the business establishment. And another agonizing statement that I keep hearing often is that the success stories of these so called successful people is what is taught in a management school. Soo then tell me is your management institute anything sort of an inspirational school, for people depressed by their own shortcomings, who wish to win without even failing once. Do these people wish to prove wrong the fact that - failure is the best teacher, especially while learning experience. Hats off to such great thinkers. May your tribe increase, gentlemen!! I will come back to this point soon. But is this not a fact that these days we have institutes milking money on this craze for MBA education. Agreed not everyone does so.!!! But the ones that do, are risking innocent lives and their futures. They, for their unlawful gains, will fool people into believing that the MBA is going to change their lives forever. All crap and rubbish, I would say. I can go on and on and on. But I shouldn’t. There will always be several negatives to a good thing. My optimistic side says, I better believe your goody-goody talk and if possible, work for the betterment of the negative aspects. Thank You for starting this thought process in me. I would accept candidly, that I do not wish to stop here. But a fullstop has to have its own place. So let this be it.
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