This is a pretty childish attempt, but anyways it took its birth when I was sitting in class trying to its pretty situational...God knows why m putting it here....neways happy reading....
Sitting in d class but lost somewhere else,
Thoughts vacillating like a clock's pendulum.
Pretending to look at what is being taught,
But actually addding lines to this poem.
Teachers speak something which i never hear,
The trauma i face is getting tougher ro bear.
I used to be a first bencher few months back,
But now d search is always for a place at the rear.
The lines written here make no real sense,
Dont blame me,its d subject that made me tense.
U might feel m one of those defiant kids,
Who wants to have fun at academical expense.
This is what many people construe,
But m sorry,i've a different point of view.
For me,the spring of thoughts is a roller coaster ride,
That opens my mind and makes its gamut wide.
This line of thought may have a pitfall,
'but that's what i like' is my answer to all.
The time doesnt fly by,instead it tends to crawl,
Gosh if not in DL,I would've been having a ball.
Ahaa!!finally the attendance time is striving near,
M full of ecstasy and overwhelmed with cheer.
This is the priceless moment i've been craving for,
So with the lecture,this stupid poem also ends here.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
little drops of joy
A new day started n d sun rose from horizon's palms
I woke up with an infant's smile,spreading across my arms.
Got up 4m bed,n the mirror reflected my smile,
A feel of pristine calmness occupied me that very while.
I picked up my coffee mug n stepped out to light,
A breeze of cool air passed on with a curious insight.
The look of d dew on the grass explained its plight ,
The worry that it wd soon succumb to the sun's might.
And i imagined the notion that if they had speech,
What would they convey or what might they preach?
Maybe a warm good morning or affection to each,
Or maybe to be our own self is what they wd teach.
I looked up and saw this lovely bird on the tree,
Expressing an unusual ecstacy and an uncanny spree.
It's like we spoke to each other without a single word,
And we both said something and a few things we heard.
Then i came in and got down with my mundane day,
Something i never cherished but never found another way.
Driven by compulsions of life, here i lay astray
Trying to paint life's canvas with no zest to potray.
But the thought of the dew and the breeze that flew,
The bird who always kept me waiting for something new.
These made me cherish the small rays of elation,
And taking me away 4m the moments that i should eschew.
These friends of mine expect nothing from me,
They dont want me to be someone i really can never be.
And this unusual bond connects us all in a knot,
Where we stay away from the pretentious worldly lot.
So each night when i go to bed,
I feel excited about the day to come,
Where we will all greet each other with a subtle warmth,
And a soothing smile as a token of welcome.
N the sun comes again emerging from horizon's palms,
And it always has a mate now to welcome it with open arms.
N my friends join me always to fly free this way,
And this little gesture every morning, makes my each day.
I woke up with an infant's smile,spreading across my arms.
Got up 4m bed,n the mirror reflected my smile,
A feel of pristine calmness occupied me that very while.
I picked up my coffee mug n stepped out to light,
A breeze of cool air passed on with a curious insight.
The look of d dew on the grass explained its plight ,
The worry that it wd soon succumb to the sun's might.
And i imagined the notion that if they had speech,
What would they convey or what might they preach?
Maybe a warm good morning or affection to each,
Or maybe to be our own self is what they wd teach.
I looked up and saw this lovely bird on the tree,
Expressing an unusual ecstacy and an uncanny spree.
It's like we spoke to each other without a single word,
And we both said something and a few things we heard.
Then i came in and got down with my mundane day,
Something i never cherished but never found another way.
Driven by compulsions of life, here i lay astray
Trying to paint life's canvas with no zest to potray.
But the thought of the dew and the breeze that flew,
The bird who always kept me waiting for something new.
These made me cherish the small rays of elation,
And taking me away 4m the moments that i should eschew.
These friends of mine expect nothing from me,
They dont want me to be someone i really can never be.
And this unusual bond connects us all in a knot,
Where we stay away from the pretentious worldly lot.
So each night when i go to bed,
I feel excited about the day to come,
Where we will all greet each other with a subtle warmth,
And a soothing smile as a token of welcome.
N the sun comes again emerging from horizon's palms,
And it always has a mate now to welcome it with open arms.
N my friends join me always to fly free this way,
And this little gesture every morning, makes my each day.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
my first tryst with poetry
When things dont work, n life becomes still,
Everything seems hazy and incomplete to you.
Its like climbing a hill which has no peak,
And like a lake that shows no reflection to view.
That's when you feel you're losing control,
And driving your life with hands tied up.
Even when you sit in a crowd of many,
Your eyes remain astray n mind is perturbed.
But does that mean that life has lost its quest,
Everything it offers is futile and not for the best.
Or is there still a glimmer of hope alive,
That can bring us in terms with life's each test.
When the chips are down,comes a guardian angel
As an opportunity or in the form of a person;
To invigorate the very purpose of life,
And derive positives from every inversion.
Life again regains it value n things seem germane,
Everything looks bucolic n there is nothing mundane.
You construe that lady luck has finally smiled on you,
And your future has tremendous happiness to contain.
But why do we wait for things to happen,
Why dont we get them done on our own.
Why dont we relish the spirit of life,
Instead of looking for a reason to lament and moan.
The answer lies within the realms of our soul,
That summarizes the question of life as a whole.
It just needs an honest introspection,
Not a dogmatic persuasion or a forced cajole.
So spread your arms and open your wings,
The journey called success has just begun.
Keep walking along the right path and direction,
N everything would lead you to your ultimate mission.
Everything seems hazy and incomplete to you.
Its like climbing a hill which has no peak,
And like a lake that shows no reflection to view.
That's when you feel you're losing control,
And driving your life with hands tied up.
Even when you sit in a crowd of many,
Your eyes remain astray n mind is perturbed.
But does that mean that life has lost its quest,
Everything it offers is futile and not for the best.
Or is there still a glimmer of hope alive,
That can bring us in terms with life's each test.
When the chips are down,comes a guardian angel
As an opportunity or in the form of a person;
To invigorate the very purpose of life,
And derive positives from every inversion.
Life again regains it value n things seem germane,
Everything looks bucolic n there is nothing mundane.
You construe that lady luck has finally smiled on you,
And your future has tremendous happiness to contain.
But why do we wait for things to happen,
Why dont we get them done on our own.
Why dont we relish the spirit of life,
Instead of looking for a reason to lament and moan.
The answer lies within the realms of our soul,
That summarizes the question of life as a whole.
It just needs an honest introspection,
Not a dogmatic persuasion or a forced cajole.
So spread your arms and open your wings,
The journey called success has just begun.
Keep walking along the right path and direction,
N everything would lead you to your ultimate mission.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Why MBA????
why mba?
Master Of Business Administration. Well the term brings about a wide spectrum of reactions.Oops is it not something every second guy i meet, keeps blabbering about? I guess it is.Well believe it or not, MBA is the in thing folks. Its got the punch,its got the respect,its got the glamour and its got the moolah. What else can you ask for. Well the answer is pretty simple - MORE.
ok enough of the Alice's wonderland talk, lets take a reality check. What is MBA and why is there so much hullabuloo over it in the entire student community, no matter which part of the country or the world you go. Well lets take each word of this crucial abbrevation individually. Business is a worldwide phenomenon where people enter into ventures to generate revenues, employment and satisfaction to each one connected with them. So the person getting into a business has a grave responsibility on him/her. Then comes the pivotal issue of administration- well its a paragon of responsibility where a person has to take care of every facet concerned with running a business- managing people, revenues, resources, market, and create the best possible scenario to run that business.Hmmmm....that sounds even more grave. But the best and the toughest part comes with the first word in this entire term i.e. "Master". The person needs to be a master of all that is expected to run a business and making it a point that the business runs effectively.To put forth in simple terms, thats the job of an MBA. As Management Guru Peter F. Drucker put it in a brilliant way," A manager needs to be efficient as well as effective. Efficiency is doing the right things and effectiveness means getting the right things done."
So ladies and gentleman, guys and dames,its not just about some honeymoon period of your life where you'd just get in,rack your brain for a while and an angel would come in front of you with a gift box carrying a whopping salary check. If that's what has been your idea of MBA till now, i'm sorry to do this but "Good Morning, wake up folks, the dreamy Lalaland station has gone by, welcome to reality junction." The point i'm trying to make is pretty simple and candid, MBA is about cutting off your rough edges to make you a diamond who is ready to take on the world by storm. Its a huge task and involves tremendous efforts and panache, but believe me guys the perks are worth the effort.
Enough of the scary stuff, let's now look at WHY MBA??? Exactly what lies in it which makes it a much sort after and lucrative career option??
with the increase in tooth sweating competition, it has become essential for every individual to inculcate some basic elementary qualities in himself/herself to work/compete with the best of the best in the corporate sector. MBA, as a course gives you a formal training and grooming module, which creates a sense of deja vu of the real world in your minds, thus preparing you for the kind of goody goody stuff in store for you ( Like you believe that????). Well some part of it is goody goody, so relax.
There are people with different aspirations, some are looking for a secure job with challenges at work place while some take it a step ahead to venture into the danger zone of entrepreneurship. TO put up an enterprise of one's own, having a winning idea that may be revolutionary in itself, is just a beginning. To bring out that idea in the real world, pursuing that venture and aspiring to gain revenues out of it requires brilliance in business aptitude as well. Now MBA gives you a platform to understand the nitty gritties of everything in nexus of business. Thus it opens up doors of a new world of opportunities, resources,challenges and obviously tremendous satisfaction.
Another important requirement at work places is the ability to make decisions- sometimes small ones, sometimes grave ones and sometimes revolutionary ones. Thus its mandatory for a person to be well versed with the pros and cons of the status quo, the ability to deal with people of varying IQ'S, temperaments and work capabilities. Now to make a decision taking all these scenarios together is no joke. Apart from inner strength, it requires sound knowledge to appraise the decision's gravity and then to come out with the most suitable alternative. That's precisely what i meant when stressed on the term "MASTER". MBA offers you the ambience and the required ammunition to become good enough to encounter and combat the enemies. As goes in the Stallone blockbuster Rocky series," Its something for which you need THE EYE OF THE TIGER and A BURNING HEART because believe me THERE IS NO EASY WAY OUT, so once your HEART'S ON FIRE just do one thing, GO FOR IT."
Getting down to the Indian scenario, India is in a condition where it requires more employment generators as compared to employment seekers.MBA offers you the arsenal to face the indispensible cruel times of entrepreurship. thus its the managers who're actually making this society a better place to live in by generating employment, optimum utilization of resources, making people work congenially in groups, and with these small battles, they help to win wars like unemployment, poverty, corruption and make the Indian economy strengthen the momentum it has picked up.
Another important topic that MBA deals with is that in this era of globalization where the world has become a small place, it has become an additional asset for a professional to have a good understanding of the global market, the global requirements and its solutions. Thus what we're looking at in the future is it more number of Indians global in stature, but local at heart. Now how does that sound....i'm sure alluring.
So to put it in a nutshell, mba may not give you the key to every lock, but it'd make you a good enough locksmith to have more keys for different locks. So what are you waiting for, you know the door, you knpow how to get the key, and with that key how to open the locks. So dont wait anymore and just MAKE THE MOVE.
Master Of Business Administration. Well the term brings about a wide spectrum of reactions.Oops is it not something every second guy i meet, keeps blabbering about? I guess it is.Well believe it or not, MBA is the in thing folks. Its got the punch,its got the respect,its got the glamour and its got the moolah. What else can you ask for. Well the answer is pretty simple - MORE.
ok enough of the Alice's wonderland talk, lets take a reality check. What is MBA and why is there so much hullabuloo over it in the entire student community, no matter which part of the country or the world you go. Well lets take each word of this crucial abbrevation individually. Business is a worldwide phenomenon where people enter into ventures to generate revenues, employment and satisfaction to each one connected with them. So the person getting into a business has a grave responsibility on him/her. Then comes the pivotal issue of administration- well its a paragon of responsibility where a person has to take care of every facet concerned with running a business- managing people, revenues, resources, market, and create the best possible scenario to run that business.Hmmmm....that sounds even more grave. But the best and the toughest part comes with the first word in this entire term i.e. "Master". The person needs to be a master of all that is expected to run a business and making it a point that the business runs effectively.To put forth in simple terms, thats the job of an MBA. As Management Guru Peter F. Drucker put it in a brilliant way," A manager needs to be efficient as well as effective. Efficiency is doing the right things and effectiveness means getting the right things done."
So ladies and gentleman, guys and dames,its not just about some honeymoon period of your life where you'd just get in,rack your brain for a while and an angel would come in front of you with a gift box carrying a whopping salary check. If that's what has been your idea of MBA till now, i'm sorry to do this but "Good Morning, wake up folks, the dreamy Lalaland station has gone by, welcome to reality junction." The point i'm trying to make is pretty simple and candid, MBA is about cutting off your rough edges to make you a diamond who is ready to take on the world by storm. Its a huge task and involves tremendous efforts and panache, but believe me guys the perks are worth the effort.
Enough of the scary stuff, let's now look at WHY MBA??? Exactly what lies in it which makes it a much sort after and lucrative career option??
with the increase in tooth sweating competition, it has become essential for every individual to inculcate some basic elementary qualities in himself/herself to work/compete with the best of the best in the corporate sector. MBA, as a course gives you a formal training and grooming module, which creates a sense of deja vu of the real world in your minds, thus preparing you for the kind of goody goody stuff in store for you ( Like you believe that????). Well some part of it is goody goody, so relax.
There are people with different aspirations, some are looking for a secure job with challenges at work place while some take it a step ahead to venture into the danger zone of entrepreneurship. TO put up an enterprise of one's own, having a winning idea that may be revolutionary in itself, is just a beginning. To bring out that idea in the real world, pursuing that venture and aspiring to gain revenues out of it requires brilliance in business aptitude as well. Now MBA gives you a platform to understand the nitty gritties of everything in nexus of business. Thus it opens up doors of a new world of opportunities, resources,challenges and obviously tremendous satisfaction.
Another important requirement at work places is the ability to make decisions- sometimes small ones, sometimes grave ones and sometimes revolutionary ones. Thus its mandatory for a person to be well versed with the pros and cons of the status quo, the ability to deal with people of varying IQ'S, temperaments and work capabilities. Now to make a decision taking all these scenarios together is no joke. Apart from inner strength, it requires sound knowledge to appraise the decision's gravity and then to come out with the most suitable alternative. That's precisely what i meant when stressed on the term "MASTER". MBA offers you the ambience and the required ammunition to become good enough to encounter and combat the enemies. As goes in the Stallone blockbuster Rocky series," Its something for which you need THE EYE OF THE TIGER and A BURNING HEART because believe me THERE IS NO EASY WAY OUT, so once your HEART'S ON FIRE just do one thing, GO FOR IT."
Getting down to the Indian scenario, India is in a condition where it requires more employment generators as compared to employment seekers.MBA offers you the arsenal to face the indispensible cruel times of entrepreurship. thus its the managers who're actually making this society a better place to live in by generating employment, optimum utilization of resources, making people work congenially in groups, and with these small battles, they help to win wars like unemployment, poverty, corruption and make the Indian economy strengthen the momentum it has picked up.
Another important topic that MBA deals with is that in this era of globalization where the world has become a small place, it has become an additional asset for a professional to have a good understanding of the global market, the global requirements and its solutions. Thus what we're looking at in the future is it more number of Indians global in stature, but local at heart. Now how does that sound....i'm sure alluring.
So to put it in a nutshell, mba may not give you the key to every lock, but it'd make you a good enough locksmith to have more keys for different locks. So what are you waiting for, you know the door, you knpow how to get the key, and with that key how to open the locks. So dont wait anymore and just MAKE THE MOVE.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Arvind Kejriwal- a guardian angel

Voice of the unheard voices
India is a land which has given birth to many great people, legends in their own rights. There have been a rare breed of people who've proved their mettle in their respective areas of working and have touched the lives of many. We've had the likes of Bhagat Singhs, Gandhis, Nehrus, Sarabhais, Kalams, Ambanis, Premjis and the list goes on. But there are two genres of work whose heroes have been given larger than life images in our country- The Indian Film Industry and the cricket team. The likes of Bachchans, King Khans in cinema and Gavaskars, Kapil Devs, Tendulkars, Dravids and Dhonis have attained the status of demi Gods in our counntry. The pure mania that these two sectors evoke in the AAM AADMI is unparalleled and bound to only grow with time. Nothing wrong with it, people getting due recognition for the quality work they've put in is the richest dividends they can get back. This is something they deserve and have acquired with sheer hard work and dedication towards their work.
The problem comes when people refuse to look beyond these heroes. In such a big country, there are people who've made a big difference to all around them but still there names are obscure in the murky waters. Barring a few who bother to understand and appreciate the contributions of these unsung heroes, the majority of the population is still oblivious of their tremendous contribution. The picture looks more gloomy when we claim that 54% of our population is YOUNG INDIA who are ready to take on the world. But how do we expect to bring out a global change when we dont even recognize the contributions of these unsung national pictures. Its a pretty unfortunate situation and to be honest shameful on the part of us youngsters. But its never too late. We can still take the step, and i'm sure that would be the one in the right direction.
One such unsung hero is a gentleman called Arvind Kejriwal.Hearing the name for the first time????? Never mind, hope atleast now we'd be more concerned about the state of affairs around us. Well Arvind Kejriwal is a social activist and an instrumental figure in bringing about one of the biggest revolutions. He worked unceassingly to bring about greater transparency in Government's functionality and his constant efforts led to a big accomplishment- THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT. This right has actually given a lethal weapon in the hands of the AAM AADMI and has made the Government accountable to its people. Now any individual discontent with the working of the Government can ask WHAT? WHY? HOW? Is it not something we should all be proud of? I think it is. Arvind kejriwal made it a point that THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT is activated at the grass root level, because that's where corruption is at its worst form and poor illiterate people are unable to understand the malicious intent of the authorities. The result- predominant oppression, suppression of these people and the same status quo of these people over the years.
He graduated as a mechanical engineer from IIT Kharagpur in 1989, then he went about to join the prestigious civil services in the Indian Revenue Service in 1992. But what he saw there came as a rude shock to him. He was taken aback by the widely prevalent corruption and malpractices amongst the Government officials. When he came to terms to this unfortunate reality, he decided that things need to change and there has to be some ray of light somewhere to combat this darkness of mala fide activities. He started working on it and realized that the main reason for this corruption is basically accounted to the lack of transparency in the Government functionalities and policies. The Government was pretty active in framing laws but pretty lethargic when it came to implementing them. This weakness leveraged the uncanny miscreants to mould the law by their whims and fancies, as there was no stringent monitoring tool to keep track of their accountability towards their work. Arvind Kejriwal recognized the flaw and worked on ways to eradicate it. Even during his working years, he stood like a Rock Of Gibraltar between the miscreants and mischief.
He worked against the system from within the system for a while, but when he realized that his hands were tied down he made a brave decision of putting in his papers and taking the entire battle on his own shoulders. After that he went about devoting his full time to his mission work by becoming the founder of an NGO- PARIVARTAN. its a Delhi based citizens' movement trying to ensure a just, transparent, people friendly and accountable governance.
The journey to the right to information act has been an onerous one for Arvind kejriwal. But like Rome was not built in a day, his efforts took a lot of time to bear the fruits. He was a major warrior in bringing in a number of changes to increase the transparency in the Income Tax. TOgether with his colleague Aruna Roy and others, he started his vigorous campaign for the mission of his life- THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT. His vociferous efforts bore fruits in 2005 when Government passed this law in 2005. And he carried on his fight to create awareness about the RTI later on as well. This was the biggest challenge as has always been in India. So this guy made sure that people actually got what was promised to them.
His NGO has also been pivotal in the satyendra Dubey murder case and are leaving no stones unturned to get justice for the deceased's family. Thus, one point is quite clear, Arvind's life is an inspiration for the millions of young turks who dream to make it big in their lives.
He has got laurels at both national and international levels as a testimony to his spectacular work. He was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Emergent Leadership award in 2006 and was also awarded CNN-IBN Indian of the year for Public Services in 2006. Thus, the point i'm trying to raise is pretty straightforward. Let's now broaden our area of perception beyond the Dhonis and King Khans to understand and appreciate the contributions of such unsung heroes who've been instrumental in their contribution towards their country and their fellowmen. Let's salute these true Guardian Angels and pray that our land is bestowed by many such jewels.
Kudos to you Gentleman.
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