Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Government's LEFT RIGHT LEFT to the LEFT'S wishes

OOps (CP) I did it again.....
It seems that now the Government would work based on the penchant of Left and they've started believing its their prerogative.Unfortunately,these people who consider themselves as the messiahs of common man's wishes haven't been able to tackle desi Waterloo in their own backyard-Nandigram which has become a rampaging catastrophe to common man's life.

The Communist Party of India has proved time and again that the Government has to run on their whims and fancies.The Indo-US nuclear deal,a hallmark moment for India,where India could work in collaboration with US to satisfy its plethora requirements that are bound to be encountered in the future was put to a standstill because of the Left's disapproval.To be honest,there is no respite to the Nuclear deal and the bottom line is,WE NEED IT,the sooner we realize it its better for us.The paradox is, people who've been pejorative towards it,many of them do not even know what does 123 agreement mean and why is it called so.This is the status quo of Indian Politics...that's how our chosen representatives all presents a really sorry picture.

The aficionados who've the cognizance of the technical know-how to make a decision on this pivotal issue,including eminent scientists and army personnel,have all given a petition to the Govt. to go forth with the deal,and scrapping it would be a big blow to India's nuclear power aspirations. The supporters of the nuclear deal include former President and the people's President Dr.Abdul Kalam as well.Can you ask for a better reference to go ahead with the deal,......I DONT THINK SO. And the lame excuse that the CPI is putting to confront the deal is,that its vandalizing to the national interests and would act as a gateway for US to control Indian nuclear policies.The Government justified saying that the few polemical clauses would be negotiated upon,and the final draft of the deal would be framed only after the consent of the Parliament, but the Left is at its characteristic obstinate best.They've not even allowed the Govt to frame the deal's document with IAEA, later they did mellow down but still the Govt. is facing constant threats that support would be withdrawn,and the country might face mid term polls.
Now this made the Govt to restructure their policy and they prorogated the deal's execution so as to attain some time fo convincing their important allies and the Parliament regarding the gravity that the deal has for the nation.It hasn't gone well with Washington and Left hasn't become any lineant.They've been giving signs time and again that, DEAL ON-GOVERNMENT GONE. The opposition NDA have found this chinks in UPA's armour and are working constantly to rip off the ally.Thus the Government is marching to the tunes of US one hand,and the LEFT on the other,but the quandary is both are extreme tunes and this baritone is heading towards an unbearable cacophony.

Apart from this,the Left also poked its nose in the historic launch of a spy satellite built in collaboration with Israel. Again the satellite had paramount importance in the future of Indian space programme,but all the CPI was concerned about was -NO JOINT VENTURE WITH ISRAEL. Come on,would they always keep interfering in strategic development plans and irony is, they call themselves epitome of people's welfare-an oxymoron for sure.
They want the GDP to reach double figures,but mind you no FDI's should come in.Are we living in a fairytale that Lady luck would bestow pecuniary abundance to our people.Its as quixotic dream as sleeping with your eyes open.Without any foreign direct investments,do they think we would've accomplished even 9% GDP growth?? Nope....
And these guardian angels of common man haven't been able to do anything to stop making Nandigram turn into a cauldron of anarchy.Infact they've been the anchors of the entire pandemonium.Their feud with local people over the SEZ issue took an ugly direction,and a horrible one for that matter.the Government's people launched a rampage against the opposition Trinamool congress' people and faced counter attack,killing hundreds of innocent people in between. One coverage of CNN IBN where a citizen journalist,sent a video showing a man being shot dead when he was going home,sends a chill down the spine.How much more worse can the situation become in the future is for God to decide and Govt to implement.
Their reckless handling of the entire Tasleema Nasreen episode has again given air to the speculation on political gimmicks that are being played by them,without allowing a proper congenial solution to creep up.

So the equation is very simple,the Left is using the nuclear deal issue to ease off the pressure imposed on them by the Nandigram issue,and maybe have made up their mind to go for a general election so that the scenario might be a bit different and the Nandigram issue can be put under the wraps amidst all this. I think its high time, the Govenment stops being a punching bag and ceases to succumb to their pressure, instead retaliate the undue pressure by going forth with the nuclear deal,which the PM has so often been apostling in his public appearences and speeches.
So rather than worrying about the LEFT,the Government needs to do what's RIGHT.


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