The Setup- An elliptical table conference. Was supposed to be round table, petty issues stretched too much made it this way. The office is the Home Ministry.
People- Home Minister, Chief Ministers, Naxal Leader.
Agenda- You have to be kidding me.
The Home Minister tried to make everyone feel at home. The sugarless biscuits made everyone feel otherwise. A late probe by the CBI revealed it was a mix of the Austerity Drive and high sugar price. Opposition Chief Ministers clamored taking out the blank protest banners hidden under their kurtas and wrote this agenda on it, UPA CM's blamed the EU and Australia for racial discrimination in exports of sugar, peon took a shot at the Ration shop retailer, others simply blamed fate for making them diabetic.
Home Secretary :- Ladies and Gentlemen, lets put the meeting to order (" To Disorder" is what he thinks in mind). Words like "Telangana, Vidarbha, Gorkhaland, bad tea, cobwebs in the room, my mistress better than yours" should be left to the informal post lunch forum. Sattar(70) Minute, sattar min hai tumhare paas. Shayad yeh.. tumhare zindagi ke sab se… khaas sattar minute.
( Jharkhand, Chattisgarh CM's couldn't hide the giggles- stare from the Home Minister)
Home Minister(referred to as Homey from now on):- So should we start with the Naxalite leader or would the CM's like to put a point first?
Andhra, Orissa, Jharkhand, MP, Chattisgarh jump into it simultaneously and the sound is something like this- My Andhra Pradesh/ screwed up Jharkhand/vandalized Chattisgarh / MP is responsible/ for Orissa's labour crisis.
Home Minister loses it. He stands up with grit and a lot of aggressive intent and says in his South Indian accent- Mujhe states ki naam na sunayie dethe hai, na dhikaie dete hai. Sirf ek mulk-ka-naam sunayie detha hai, I-N-D-I-A
( Gujarat joins the giggles with Chattisgarh and Jharkhand)
The NAXALITE leader was wondering why did his men have to die and kill when there were so many volunteers, he still stood up and said) - Mao Zedong once said.....(he was interrupted)
TN CM woke up, decided maybe there were media cameras around, so he ought to say something, says plight of Tamilians miserable in Sri Lanka.
Homey- Issue in next meeting
Maharashtra- Thackerays getting out of hand.
Homey- Next meeting.
Rajasthan- Gujjars threaten again.
Homey- Next meeting
Naxal Leader- Mao Zedong said....
Homey- Next meeting.
Karnataka- Sri Ram Sena has to be dealt with for beating women.
Homey- Next meeting.
Goa- More foreigners raped.
Homey:- next meeting.
Naxal Leader- Mao Zedong said....
Homey- Next meeting.
(West bengal and Kerala CM's whisper the wisdom to the Naxal leader's ears- " Try quoting Marx - worked for us always"!!!!
Naxal Leader- Kal Marx said....
Homey- Can't you think something of your own, its been 40 years since your fight started. You still quote the same old shit. Seems like a warm place with no memory.
Kerala and WB CM's giggle, whisper to the Naxal leader again- Can't believe you bought that. Noone ever listens to Communists in this country.
Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Sikkim go on plucking the rose petals kept on the table and keep mumbling- " We are in India, We are in China- We are in India, we are in China- We are in India, we are in China".
Homey- Can't we come to the agenda now?
Karnataka rises and says- Isn't it time for lunch now?
Home Secretary jumps into this mayhem and says- Please everyone focus on the agenda here. The country has their eyes set on us.
Everyone in chorus- Is it? Damn you planted cameras here??? How much did NDTV/Times Now/ CNN IBN/Doordarshan bribe you??? ( Like you believe the last one has enough to bribe)
Home Secy- No sir , I didn't mean literally.
UP - yeah... we hate Literature. We want no computers, we want no English. Pass on our budget and we shall leave. We've some statues to build you know.
The chaos continues. Homey decides to bring in some discipline. Rises up and says our police force is not competent enough to fight invasion.
J & K- Tell me that. I asked one of the personnel to shoo away the cat that stealthily came into my bedroom and he couldn't even do it. We need better security.
WB- We need reforms.
Uttarakhand- We need loan waiver.
Assam- We want higher NREGA share.
Gujarat- I want some more cookies please. My plate has been empty for long.
Homey loses all hope. All he could say is - Next Meeting !!!