An overcast sky gives people a perfect opportunity to roll up their sleeves and participate in a fantastic prediction game called -RAIN OR NO RAIN!!! Maybe a game not identified by people across the world but we in India just cannot resist the temptation to flaunt our expert opinion and astute acumen in predicting whether the overcast sky would eventually lead to precipitation of water or not. We seem to've an unbreakable bond with the rains. Many of us wait for the monsoon season and are joyous at its arrival. The farmers are happy as this is the Guardian Angel that make sure how well they are going to fare in the coming year. The rain isn't a mode of enjoyment for them, but a necessity.
The urban population's connect with the rain is not only on account of the necessity factor. Of course rains help in filling the water bodies that ensure the supply of our basic amenity of water consumption and blah blah blah blah... but i don't want to talk about the cliche serious stuff associated with rains. I mean come on guys, rains are supposedly a fun time right?? They evoke such a wide spectrum of emotions in people. There is such a wonderful essence in the air that fills the heart with unparalleled invigoration. Just recall the times back in school when it rained really heavily, you still were compelled to go to school and on going there you find out that the school has declared a holiday due to the heavy downpour. Visualize the happiness that your face exuded, wasn't there sheer ecstasy and a silent hope that it should rain like this each day so that you can come back home dancing?

Maybe the excitement wasn't because of the holiday, but the sheer unanticipated declaration made it super fun for us. I still cant stop smiling recalling the fact that i used to come back home and enunciate the entire course of events to my mother from the entrance of the home only. Mothers being the sweethearts that they are, not only made sure that she listened with intent the fable of her little boy as if he had just won a battle against dragons, but also simultaneously took a towel to make sure that the drenched hair is dried .(Now let me clarify here- we left home with the entire raincoat, but putting up that cap of the raincoat on the head??? No way.. that is just one of the step cousin sisters of the all so feminine scarf. Call it male ego, but i always hated to sport that and still swoop out of the home stealthily without it. I even hate that trouser of the raincoat. Its like posing like a pseudo stripper.) Watching the rain fall outside,sipping a cup of coffee along right now transports me back in time to those wonderful times.
When you peep out of the window to see the downpour it just gives such a calming effect. It gives an avenue to do so many things. You can call up a friend for a chitchat, you can sit with your family and fill the void of a long impending talk, go for a long drive, simply go out in the rain and drench yourself to take every worry out of the system,you can listen to some favorite tracks of yours and let the music amalgamate with the music of the rain to create a majestic effect, you can simply feast over pakoras, samosas or bhutta to add on to the spice of the ambience,you can try to imagine a scenario as to how wonderful it'd have been if you had a girlfriend to coochy coo with in the romantic ambience[:P], and if you already have one you can give a call to your love and sing her a romantic song and reiterate how beautiful she might look with her wet hair in the rain [:P]. The others can play a game of football or cricket with friends and come back home all muddy or simply sit quietly with a coffee mug in the hand and enjoy the rain. Just simply allow the rain to be the nexus between you and a long impending thing( it can simply be being with yourself). Now every person's association with the rains can be different and I'm sure everyone has an interesting story associated with it.
Even though i do crib sometimes when it rains on my way to some work and when it douses me completely(slight side effect of a two wheeler) but I have to admit that i love it thoroughly . If I'm coming back home from some place and then if its raining then mostly i avoid the raincoat much to the chagrin of the family members. I've been lambasted a lot over it, but I just cant let go of this habit. I mean how can i miss the fun of driving in the rain, singing songs(sometimes even to the top of my voice) while driving and enjoy my few moments without the cellphone(somehow it takes the rain to keep the phone away from me, need to get rid of this addiction). So even though the repercussions are well known, i still fancy soaking myself head to toe than just being a pseudo stripper covered head to toe who dries the raincoat after coming back home and neatly folds it after that to prepare it to fight against the next rainy escapade. Sorry just not me!!!
Even when its not the monsoon season and there is an unanticipated downpour you just feel like leaving everything aside and go about enjoying it. Your age is absolutely immaterial for you to relish this fantastic experience. You can be a child, no matter how old you are and allow the innocence to take over your personality for once when the rain gods smile.

Maybe it is the chance to remind you of going back to the basic,elementary style of return to simplicity. As it is very well said that " It is so simple to be happy, but it is so difficult to be simple" Here you get an opportunity to revisit both.
So next time when it rains- look at the spectacle, appreciate its beauty, understand its calmness, hum its symphony, feel its fragrance and sip a cup of coffee to capture a perfect moment. Go on ladies and gentleman, look into the sky and see what's coming for you. There is certainly a ray of hope and a drop of happiness. Both are priceless!!!